Gadget makes "Golden Eggs" by spinning them? 🥚Golden Goose Review🥚

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Golden Goose is an in-the-shell egg scrambler. It was fun to try but not very practical or consistent. Amazon listing: …

42 replies
  1. Rustian Phelps
    Rustian Phelps says:

    You're far more fit than I am, but the Golden Egg looked like a workout for you. Just scramble the eggs and pour them into Eggletts. They work great and more-or-less retain the egg shape (there is a flat spot on one end), and you don't have to peel the eggs.

  2. SomethingElse
    SomethingElse says:

    All of those eggs make me want to barf. The only good thing about boiled eggs is the difference in texture, namely a firm white and a soft yolk. A perfectly homogenous boiled yellow egg makes me nauseous to think about.

  3. SomethingElse
    SomethingElse says:

    The only thing in my opinion that makes scrambled eggs better than hard boiled, is that they are homogenously cooked in butter. This is the worst of both worlds as far as I'm concerned… even with an ideal "golden egg".

  4. AngryKitty
    AngryKitty says:

    The peeling issue is due to the membrane being broken during scrambling. Apparently there’s tricks to doing it. The one that sounds like it might be worth trying is by doing it under running water

  5. Duke
    Duke says:

    Scrambled eggs are good qith a pinch of salt added before cooking….. good luck figuring out how to do that…… otherwise I want the yolks whole.

  6. Wink TartanBelle
    Wink TartanBelle says:

    I have kept laying hens for most of my over 60 years of life. I'm going to guess that this works best on older eggs, like the ones from the supermarket that sit in your fridge over a week. That's also why they peel easier as hardboiled eggs if they are a bit older. Cooking eggs in the shell dry is never really a good idea, as it basically shrink wraps the outer membrane onto the inner "good stuff" and makes the shell so much harder to remove. I don't think this is faster than just shelling your eggs and then cooking them. If you want something shaped like an egg, get some silicone molds? Just seems like a monumental waste of time, effort, and cash.
    I was going to ask how you keep your athletic figure when you are testing out some of these products and foods, then I saw you working on this device. 'Nuff said.

  7. Ricky Bell
    Ricky Bell says:

    Couldn't see myself using this , let alone my mother being able to use this , seems you need a good grip and forearms like Popeye to open/close it ,,,, anyone figure out why you'd want a single egg scrambled ,

  8. Ronnie Being Ronnie
    Ronnie Being Ronnie says:

    A tip:
    I have chickens and those very fresh eggs do NOT like to peel. I tried different methods of cooking, different ways to peel, and finally settled on just boiling the eggs, then I use a knife and QUICKLY cut the entire egg in half (like a deviled egg, not like a poached egg.) Wet the knife and cut firmly. I take off the few bits of broken shell. Usually only one or two per egg, if any. Use a wet spoon and slide it between the egg and the shell. It pops out in just seconds.
    They aren’t always perfect, but the result is FAR better than peeling off chunks of the egg white, and the process is much faster and cleaner than peeling by hand. It also uses almost no water, which is a bonus if you currently use running water or a bowl of water to help peel the eggs.
    Happy New Year, people!

  9. Pyrolonn
    Pyrolonn says:

    Great review. I recall when I used the Rollie vertical egg grill that they say not to scramble it, or your egg "rollie" won't come out… (and it doesn't) maybe scrambled eggs just have different cohesive properties? I have to wonder though, I hard boil eggs in a pressure cooker. While this is similar to your steam method, I still find that the shells typically come right off, so I wonder if it would work for the "golden eggs"?

  10. Meaux Jeaux
    Meaux Jeaux says:

    Hate to tell you this, but you do NOT know how to peel eggs ! You need to crack them all around and then roll them around on a hard surface using your palm until they are completely cracked. It's that easy.

  11. TheBlueArcher
    TheBlueArcher says:

    I would be interested to have you revisit the golden egg with the ronco scrambler… see if that's easier to peel. Maybe mixing it up internally doesn't disturb the layer of skin as much…

  12. Shirley Nietzsche
    Shirley Nietzsche says:

    Hi James, just wanted to say hi from Czech republic! I am watching your videos with my boyfriend for like half a year now (we found you when we planned to buy a mini dishwasher) and we really love your reviews. Our favourite comfort content! Take care and have a lovely new year.

  13. Tanuki
    Tanuki says:

    After your review, Golden Goose will now offer a free silicone egg mold (+ $19.99 for shipping and handling) that you pour the Golden Goose spun eggs into so you can then hard boil the egg mold and skip the peeling. 😂

  14. Patroid
    Patroid says:

    might be an odd sugestion: could you review a Misen product ? (The pan and knife would be interesting to me atleast).
    You are normally doing as seen on TV products so it might be not as suitable of an sugestion xD. But i really liked your pan reviews and wondered how you would like a steel pan in comparison to all the other ones you used, if it is worth using a steel one instead of just the other ones shown.

  15. Rebecca Baker
    Rebecca Baker says:

    Put eggs in ice water after boiling to help with peeling. I boil eggs in my pressure cooker. Put them on a rack and cook for six minutes. Put in ice water to cool. They peel like a dream.

  16. Byron Evans
    Byron Evans says:

    Hey.. I bought that a few years ago cuz I got obsessed with the idea… took some practice, but consistency was great… oh yea and a great workout lol… and I prefer air fryer for all boiled eggs… 250 for 16 minutes makes perfect hard boil…


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