Full-Time RV Living Review: Pros and cons of living stationary in an RV

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My honest review of full-time RV life after living in a 30′ trailer for one year. I share the pros and cons of living in an RV in …

22 replies
  1. KingSamoan OG
    KingSamoan OG says:

    I use the Mr heater buddy during the winter to help save on the propane and electricity costs. My rv heater runs off propane but can eat a 20lb setup pretty quickly. Using the mr heater it works awesome and keeps the entire 40ft rv pretty toasty on a lot smaller propane usage.

  2. Sui Generis
    Sui Generis says:

    Hello! Your channel came across my feed. So I watched, like your vlog. Have you thought about a Diesel heater? 1, it would stop 90% of condensation in your trailer. 2, save money from buying so much propane during the winter months. 3, easy to install. If you have any questions about I can answer any thing about them. Not only do I use them in my trailer, and back-shop. I also install them from people. Thinking it might something you could use and enjoy. They cost about $125.00 up to $250.00 for diesel heaters or if you can spend upwards of $1300.00 for a couple of name brands. Here a secret on those they are made in China and same companies also make the so-called cheaper ones. They are the same for heater and bodies that cover the heater. Any way just ask anything about them I will help you and get you point into right direction.

  3. Bess9779
    Bess9779 says:

    Thanks for the great video! There are quite a few fixes for condensation regardless of the weather or even cooking in a variety of price points. You can also get a portable washer to use in the yard or shower. The spin on them almost dries the clothes. They don't weigh much and can be moved around. You have an affordable lifestyle envied by many.


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