Frugal Meatballs & Gravy – #keto #lowcarb

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I show you my very special delicious meatballs. This recipe is straightforward and very very tasty. Frugal Queen in France Like the …

39 replies
  1. Trexxie Styles
    Trexxie Styles says:

    Hello "Your Highness".. 😁
    I just wanted to add something about Frugal living.
    I love the theories of economics and marketing. If prices get too high, new competitors enter the market and consumers find alternatives. It occurred to me as Im looking for bargains and specials to fill up a cupboard. Lately, I love chips, but for $2 a bag, Ive found an alternative for $1. Extruded type chips and yum. People should wait for mark downs, (Around here, its usually a Sunday.) Look for cheaper alternatives That might help to push the price down.
    If youre a food company of any sort.. go for it NOW if you can offer a cheaper price. Let people know about you.

  2. Kathy Bradley
    Kathy Bradley says:

    Oh my, that looks fantastic.
    My take on it is, I choose to eat keto, parts of the recipe are not keto. I will do my own work and see what needs to be changed to make it to suit my diet. For me it would be less onion, maybe add in some mushrooms into the gravy to compensate for less onion, thicken the gravy with xanthan gum, maybe have mashed cauliflower instead of the potatoes. Pretty easy and still would be very delicious. People need to start learning how to do these kinds of things for themselves instead of expecting others to always do it for them.

  3. Helen Hartley
    Helen Hartley says:

    Thanks Jane. Meatballs are so versatile. Nice also in a tomato and onion gravy, and with cauli mash. Use to make a subway, have in fried cauli rice, as a hamburger, with zucchini noodles, in a soup.

  4. Linda Huff
    Linda Huff says:

    Those look delicious 😋 Thank you for the GF version. I am Italian and meatballs without breadcrumbs seem sacrilegious, but seeing that my ancestors are all dead, this works for me!

  5. Joan I
    Joan I says:

    Hi Jane great video love your home cooking especially keto recipes I've been on keto since December I've lost over stone it really works love to see more keto home cooking of you you make it look so easy t going to make those meatballs tomorrow thanks for your time you put into making your videos much appreciated 🙏🙏

  6. Katt Lee
    Katt Lee says:

    Thank you for another tasty addition 🙂
    I'm a follow from way back and I was wondering if you could show the giblets recipe/creation? Also, any other alternatives that are not common? We are wanting to cut way back so looking for super cheap dinners.
    Thank you so much for your guidance, you actually helped us through some pretty tough times. 🌷🌷

  7. Marianne Joynes
    Marianne Joynes says:

    Lovely recipe! If you want to stretch the mixture you could add some cooked lentils instead of the breadcrumbs . In the U.K we can get gluten free oats so they could be added as a substitute too. Xx

  8. L L
    L L says:

    Hello, Jane, I have noticed that you often use lardons. I love lardons, they are versatile and tasty, but for some reason more expensive than chicken breasts here. I only buy them when they are on offer, but I will definitely try this recipe, thank you!

  9. Cindy Broussard
    Cindy Broussard says:

    You've inspired me to get creative with the bits and pieces in my fridge. I used leftover chicken with curry powder, grain mustard, and onion jam for cold chicken salad. It was pretty good! It was the third day for the chicken and I really wanted to change it up. 😁
    Thank you for adding the lower carb recipes. I hand some older packages of meat in my freezer. I used minced lamb, beef and chicken to make meatballs, ground meat and meat patties. I froze most of them for other meals. I adjusted the percentage of each meat and seasonings to add variety.

  10. Kathy Kujawa
    Kathy Kujawa says:

    i try not to use bread crumbs for anything anymore since i dont feel they add much nutritional value. i primarily use oats- quick or stone ground. i mix with egg and let them soften a bit- they add alot of body. i sometimes use flax "egg" for a friend who doesnt do dairy. flax seeds also add alot of bulk. i have tried GF pretzels and crackers too- but i always go back to oatmeal. its my go to for all patties and meatballs. excellent in salmon patties too. great gravy! tks

  11. Alison Wheeler
    Alison Wheeler says:

    By chance I have just found you! I was a happy follower of your blog when you were in Cornwall and when my husband died in 2014 your blog gave me a routine and some sane normality to hold on to. Am thrilled to subscribe and enjoy hearing about your frugal adventures in France. The recipe looks delicious – I add allspice and dried dill to mine. Your round meatballs got me thinking about your gorgeous quilt with circles sewn over it. Would love to see that again!


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