Freezer Clean Out Challenge / Week 1. The meals I made, a clearance food haul & meal plan.

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Welcome to my Freezer Clean Out Challenge, Week 1! In this video, I show you all meals I made, as well as a clearance food haul …

50 replies
  1. Iris Welch
    Iris Welch says:

    Any groceries I freeze are marked with the purchase date so nothing lives in there too long. I have to defrost my outside freezer every six months so that's a good time to use up any strays!

  2. Sofia Black
    Sofia Black says:

    Always love to see food hauls so please do include them. I too have been trying to buy the reduced meat and fish where possible. Also – have you looked at the Too good to go bags near you? I’ve done them a few times and it’s worth it especially from Morrisons

  3. Bookgal
    Bookgal says:

    Thanks for this video, Claire. You’re helping me change the way I shop and think about meal preparation. I LOVE watching your food hauls, please keep doing them.❀

  4. Natalie Waters
    Natalie Waters says:

    Hey Claire, made the lentil Shepherd’s Pie recipe from the vlog you had. Instead of it being a date lunch with my husband, it became a family dinner for us instead. We loved it! It was delicious! We all had seconds and even my picky daughter wolfed it! Thanks so much!

  5. dylanb
    dylanb says:

    What would you say is the best time to go for reduced food? I know it varies for each supermarket, but I never seem to see any, even when I go in the evenings.

  6. My Hillside Garden
    My Hillside Garden says:

    Lovely meals you were able to make, thank you for sharing. I'm also working on the pantry challenge, and I do this primarily, to use up the older things on the shelf and freezer, and to make space. Then, while doing the challenge, I reduce the actual amount I spend on a grocery trip, HOWEVER, I would like to save what I didn't use, but, this past week they had ground beef (mince) for 3.99 a pound. Dietary reasons make it necessary for me to watch fat intake and this ground beef is 93/7, meaning there is only 7 % fat in it. I don't know if they grade the meat like that by you. We have not seen this price in almost two year and we haven't bought any as it was going for about 6.99 a pound. We now have about 15 pounds of ground beef which will make quite a few meals in our freezer. The week before, pork loin was on sale for 1.59 a pound and we bought one and the husband cut it up into thick pork chops and the ends will be for pulled pork. So, I was glad that we had that extra money to purchase them. Looking forward to the upcoming weeks videos. Catherine

  7. Kathy Gamboa
    Kathy Gamboa says:

    Hi Claire. I love your videos. I did a good stock up and a freezer inventory. I am set for 3 months— I think. My freezers are stuffed full. On to a pantry challenge. πŸ™‚

  8. Lindsey C
    Lindsey C says:

    Loved seeing what you made Claire. Really enjoy these type of videos and would love to see your grocery hauls. I'm going to experiment with trying baked beans (with some of the sauce strained off) in an omelette and then on the weekend we're going to make a breakfast style pizza using baked beans, chopped tomatoes, diced potatoes, a bit of bacon and onion..I love to experiment 😊 have a great day ☺️

  9. Wendy T
    Wendy T says:

    So well organised. I'm trying to do the same this year. Got a magnetic a4 sheet on the fridge with a two weekly menu. Itsfine then if we swap around, but it's a great way to run down the freezer! I find I'm not shopping so much this month, so that's a saving. I'm very pleased. Thank you.πŸ‘βœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈ

  10. Simone DUTCH
    Simone DUTCH says:

    This was just soooo good Claire, brilliant job all the way through, thank you so much. All your meals looked so delicious but I really love the look of the vegan roast, I'll have to try and source that one. I'm with you it actually is illegal not to have gravy on a roast dinner LOL!! This must be quite liberating for you to have so much control over your fridge, freezer and food shopping spending…so a HUGE well done.

  11. Maggy Trafford
    Maggy Trafford says:

    Hi Claire! Thank you for sharing your meals, they really looked delicious. Enjoyed every minute watching you cook. Love shopping hauls Claire. Have a great weekπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ¦˜β€οΈπŸ’œ

  12. LeeAnn Balbirona
    LeeAnn Balbirona says:

    Your dinner looks delicious! I often do sheet pan roasted veggies of various types together. You just have to figure out what size to cut the pieces so they all get done at the same time. One of our favorite sheet pan dinners is sausages, onions and potatoes, served with mustard.

  13. dachsie mom
    dachsie mom says:

    Yes, please do some grocery hauls and reduced price items. Love your channel! I live in the US, but you still give me many ideas for meal planning, as well as organization ideas. I am guilty of not using up what I have and your freezer inventory idea will be something I use.

  14. Kornelia
    Kornelia says:

    Hi Claire, Happy New Year and thank you for another wonderful video. Your ideas are great and food looks delicious. Everything you cook appeals to me very much and I can smell it through the phone πŸ˜‰.
    Please do the short/long hauls, whatever. You are very inspiring and definitely NOT boring.

  15. Debbie Frampton
    Debbie Frampton says:

    I have been buying nothing but mark down meat and I try to buy other markdown items food and non-food related as much as I can find
    I love the grocery hauls not so much the cooking videos but that's just me living in the states I don't cook some of what you do but I do cook chicken stir fry. Chicken is probably mostly what I buy for stir fry and quesadillas that and a lot of lean ground beef

  16. S
    S says:

    Just wanted to ask a question if you don’t mind .
    How much do you spend a week roughly.
    I have a family of five … youngest is in primary.

  17. momof2
    momof2 says:

    I love what you came up with for the chicken with veggies and cream cheese. That would be a keeper in our home. You did a wonderful job on everything ! Well done ! Just a suggestion, but you could write down your recipes in a dedicated notebook, as you come up with them, like the chicken/veggie/cream cheese dinner and the pie your family loved. Thanks for sharing πŸ₯°β„β˜ƒπŸ’—βœπŸŒž

  18. Roxanne
    Roxanne says:

    This was super helpful. Instead of digging through my freezer looking for a way to use everything up, I've now started an inventory and I'm crossing things off. Just did it this morning. Still working through the inventory but I've already used up a couple things.


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