Food prep for winter | pickled jalapeños, tempeh & soup 🎄☃️ 11

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Today we are food prepping for winter, where we are preserving, baking and pickling fresh produce. This is just one of the ways I …

20 replies
  1. friendstofriends
    friendstofriends says:

    I would love to see you talk more about your lomi 🙂 Like how often you need to get filters or pods and you're feelings on how much energy they use and how conveiniant they are vs. composting yourself outside

  2. Alice Wootton
    Alice Wootton says:

    I'm so happy to know you're experimenting with making homemade tempeh. I've had success twice now. I felt like a mad scientist. 🙂
    (I will leave the link down below.) I made the tempeh using lentils, brown rice, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. Instead of using a wooden box per the video/website, I used my Instant Pot yogurt setting (lowest setting 88 degrees F) It took three days in there to completely cover the "cake" with the mold. I was able to use pyrex glass containers, so no need for plastic bags or banana leaves. Other than having my Instant Pot unavailable to use for other things, this was very easy to do. I was able to make a small round "cake" and a bigger rectangular one. Anyway, this was a fun project and the tempeh tasted great! I'll try to leave a link to the recipe I used in another comment.

  3. Kx
    Kx says:

    i would love to see a gluten free bread some time if you have time to make one that we can re-create? thank you for so much comfort. you look so warm and comfy these days xx

  4. Kisha Jones
    Kisha Jones says:

    You owe us no apology for a "late" video! It can't be late when you create your own schedule.  
    All is as it should be & always on time. We'll be grateful when/if you choose to share a video at any time.

    I have jalapeños coming in my CSA box today. Now I'll be pickling them. Never tried that. Thank you🖤

  5. Jones LeFae
    Jones LeFae says:

    Aw, you went to Manitou??? Wish I could have met up with you! But honestly, even if you had reached out, I have been sick with Covid 🤧. Testing negative now but still feeling under the weather. I hope you enjoyed our sweet little town!

  6. Giulia Ormuz
    Giulia Ormuz says:

    Hey immy! So glad to see that you make tempeh too now! Not a lot of people do it nowaday! Anyway, i've been making it for a few years now and I have some tips to give you if you let me: the first is that tempeh is so much better with the natural fermentation rather than adding vinegar, even if you made the vinegar (I make applecider vinegar too), so you have to let the beans in their water for a few days, until they smell terrible and acid. The second tip is to let them dry really really really well before cool down e add the starter, it's important in order to avoid bad molds. The last is to use some materials that can let the beans breathe through during the fermentation, originally soybeans in Thailand were wrapped in banana leaves; it's not zerowaste at all but I use plastic ziplocks stung with a sharp knife and the next time i reuse those ziplocks once washed. I promise that this is the last one, the layer of beans must be not more than 1 cm thick, fermentation will be easier and faster. I hope this comment will be helpful and not sound disrispectful, i love your videos and you being so calm! A hug from Italy 🙂

  7. Mary Charlebois
    Mary Charlebois says:

    6:35 – “I hope that it’s OK that this video is late”… yes, Immy it’s totally OK. Tbh, the timing of this video is perfect because I’m off to bed now and I can dream of making this amazing mushroom rice soup that you have shown us. We have a friend of a friend who has a wild rice plantation in northern Manitoba… so we are fortunate to have a big bag of wild rice in our pantry and some fresh mushrooms in our fridge. Sweet dreams and C’Ya 2-mor-o. 💦🌎Ⓜary💕🥣

  8. Mary Charlebois
    Mary Charlebois says:

    I just have to say that anybody who can bake bread, pickle jalapeños, ferment apple cider vinegar, make a pot of hearty mushroom soup, and try their hand at making fresh tempeh… is truly rocking it in the kitchen. I’m inspired, Immy!! Thank-you for all your dedication and energy that you are sharing with us in your Vlogmas videos. I appreciate you!! 💦🌎Ⓜary💕🍞🌶🥣

  9. Arina Ira
    Arina Ira says:

    Tempe is native from my country. You can make your own. I'm glad you like tempe. I love to deep fry the Tempe and eat it with rice and sweet soy sauce. Usually we have a firm Tempe. The best 😋


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