Food Addiction Recovery Week – DAY 3 | The Pleasure Trap vs. Food Addiction with Dr. Doug Lisle

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33 replies
  1. Darris Nelson
    Darris Nelson says:

    Trying to understand the gene theory…using AJ as an example…at one time, AJ was 50+ lbs overweight. What would have someone shift so radically and then toe the line so flawlessly? At 5’5” (67 YO) eat more food than my 6’2” husband but I’ve weighed about 115 my entire life but he will jump from 170 (eating alkaline diet) to 220…I’ve watched him struggle for 18+ years w/sugar addiction…it’s no joke!

  2. ruthinak
    ruthinak says:

    Thank you both, Chef AJ and Dr. Lisle, for this conversation. I found you through McDougall, and although it’s too early to rejoice too much (I’ve only lost about 50 pounds and could stand to lose another 100!), I think this will be the weight loss attempt that works permanently for me. Between McDougall’s “eat starch” approach so that I can eat until I feel full, AJ’s positivity that encourages me to keep going, and Lisle’s “it’s biology, not your personal moral failure,” I think I can do this. Thank you!!

  3. Helen Gibb
    Helen Gibb says:

    One of my young family members overeats. He generally needs lots of stimulation and excitement in life. I sometimes think he needs more food/stimulation to get the dopamine hit so this video suggests the opposite. It’s making me think! I do think he gets the wow factor from food that I’m happy to taste but can take or leave it. It all seems quite complicated! He’s definitely influenced by what people are eating around him. He won’t miss out on anything. Thank you for the video , thought provoking…

  4. PantaMeowMeow. S.
    PantaMeowMeow. S. says:

    What helped me with junk foods later on in life was reading packages and watching my mother in-law cook. When you see what is actually in a cheese cake, it's hard to believe. When the foods come all nicely made in a finished form, they do not look that "dangerous". Read the ingredient lists! I never buy anything with coconut or palm oil for example. In natural food stores is a lot of garbage. When Rapunzel, an organic food company in Germany, came out with "organic" Nutella (their recipe), I knew the health aspects of these stores was out; they had to provide what average consumers wanted to just stay open.

  5. PantaMeowMeow. S.
    PantaMeowMeow. S. says:

    Last question posed, a good one. That one was me with cookies during my exams and then again 20 years later, minutes away was a late night corner market, I was Tia Maria lard cookie depemdent at 99 cents a roll. I had to just stop, it wasn't easy. I did not wantto bethat type of person. He's right with your brain is mapping it out.

  6. Peter 5.0
    Peter 5.0 says:

    Oh AJ… Goldhamer's email to you "food …just needs to not taste bad." I used almost that same language talking to my mother. I asked her "how were the sweet potatoes, green beans, broccoli, and avocado?" and She said, "well….it was sort of plain…I just ate it because I was hungry" to that I said, "well…you ate it when you were hungry, right? I assure you, when you get hungry again, you'll want more of it. That's how food is SUPPOSED to work."

  7. Peter 5.0
    Peter 5.0 says:

    Yeah, when I lost my peanut butter weight in 2020/2021 my weight loss followed a nice neat glide slope, (a limit). In November 2020, my weight loss was three pounds per month, but in 2021, it was 1/2 pound per month, and in 2022, it was about a quarter pound per month, until just last month it was about a tenth of a pound, and this month it is about zero (as it should be since I am at 162 pounds at 6'2" tall.) So, when approaching biological equilibrium, the weight loss slows as the weight loss progresses. The same phenomenon occurs when gaining weight on a given caloric density.

  8. Peter 5.0
    Peter 5.0 says:

    I believe that the human brain does far FAR more calculations per second that a trillion. It's like a hundred trillion TRILLIONS per second. My nephew is working on AI and cognitive sciences, and he told me, that the worlds fastest computer (peaked at 1.8 quintillion flops) is about one hundred-millionth the computational power of the human brain.

  9. Peter 5.0
    Peter 5.0 says:

    You'd never guess that I have a food addiction issue. I'm slim, I've pretty much always been slim, and people have generally commented that I have a lot of "willpower" that I'm a "health nut" and so on…. Well, you stick a jar of peanut butter under my nose, and not only will that jar of peanut butter be gone in about 5 minutes, I will have ordered 24 more jars….each of which will be eaten in a luxuriously decadent half hour, each night over the ensuing three weeks, and I will order 48 more. And I will eat those too. The only thing I can do, is avoid it.

    In 2020 I went and gained nearly 30 pounds in a few months eating a pound of peanut butter every night, and sometimes two (my thin privilege hard at work for me) but just as soon as I caught my head, and stopped it, the weight fell off, AND my cravings for the stuff went away too.

  10. HotdogsbySheri
    HotdogsbySheri says:

    There's alot of recent information coming out lately about how depression is not caused by a serotonin deficiency and antidepressants don't work. Lol..I guess Dr lilse was right all along.

  11. Angela Fischetti
    Angela Fischetti says:

    How much do we love Dr. Doug Lisle…in many ways. He is simply awesome as he breaks down different issues to their very core. I love these interviews with him and I thank you, Chef AJ for bringing him to my attention, to featuring him on your various marvelous platforms which as members of these platforms, we get to participate along with him. This was yet, another great time spent with the both of you and the incredible Zoomunity! Love & Light….💟💟

  12. JenM
    JenM says:

    This was so helpful and encouraging! Thank you so much Dr Lisle and Chef AJ. I really needed this. I have reached my equilibrium several months ago and have been losing heart. This has really encouraged me to not give up, but really knuckle down and try harder! So awesome!!


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