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Get 30% off your first purchase of Cometeer with my link: https://cometeer.com/brianlagerstrom The cheese danish is the crown …

31 replies
  1. Pat Phares
    Pat Phares says:

    Wow…this is a top-notch keeper instructional video on laminated dough. Step-by-step demo and guidance with many “aha” moments. My confidence was increased ten fold…now have the courage to take the plunge and get going! Thank you Brian…great job!!

  2. Gerfloppy
    Gerfloppy says:

    Hey Bri – a couple questions
    – Any tips for this recipe if you dont have a stand mixer?
    – I have a block of salted kerrygold on hand – will that work if I skip adding the salt?

  3. Jamie Hartzell
    Jamie Hartzell says:

    Bri .made these today 3/20/20 they didn't come out as pretty as yours did , I screwed up the butter part, I reversed it the parchment paper 😂 but they came out very tasty and delicious 👍 thanks again for sharing this recipe.

  4. Sherricca Lewis
    Sherricca Lewis says:

    Hey Bri! I love your recipes. I love that you always give different options and methods for all kinds of cooks. My oldest started showing signs of being lactose intolerant. I'm curious what you would do for a kid that love sour cream and cheese?

  5. John Cspine
    John Cspine says:

    Try a pinch or two of salt in the egg wash..it thins the egg just a bit, and adds flavor, and changes it a bit glossier..maybe deeper color..you can add more salt than just a pinch if you want that salt snap too..something about a bit of salt in the glaze I like in dessert pastry..

  6. frogmccuish
    frogmccuish says:

    Yum! One of my favorite treats!
    Thanks for the recipe Bri!
    Suggestion… Could you please teach us how to make a perfect scone… that doesn't slump, please? I just can't get it. Maybe it's too wet.. every time. 😕

  7. Barbi Griffin
    Barbi Griffin says:

    I made these, YUMMY!!!! They did not come out as pretty as Brian's. Second half is proofing now so in about 90 mins I hope to have pretty danish. Thank you so much for another awesome video


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