F*ck The Whole Bird, I Cook My Turkey Like This Now

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41 replies
  1. Bradley
    Bradley says:

    Steve….STEVE!!!! I made this turkey for Thanksgiving yesterday and it was the best turkey I've ever tasted. The gravy was bomb too and I used a Willamette Valley Riesling from Oregon to deglaze. I got mad props from our guests. Thanks my friend…I'll never make turkey another way again

  2. Marleise Turner
    Marleise Turner says:

    I did exactly how you showed, and this is was the absolute best Turkey we have ever had! Honestly, it was so easy to do, the stock was dark and rich, all the sides went into the oven on the three levels of rack placement. My family was in awe. I bought a lovely two second thermometer from a specialty cooking store as well as a 17” Lodge Cast Iron pan to fit the Turkey pieces in. I saved a few pieces of fat and an oops piece of thigh meat that I accidentally cut off on my first attempt at cutting the leg off. I used it to fry up separately with avocado oil for my gravy. I did save the drippings from the large pan as well to make more gravy as I sent some home with my family. I will never roast a Turkey any other way from here on out. Wished this 67 year old woman would have viewed your video earlier. So my Sis was not impressed initially when I was frying the pieces skin side down before placing in the oven. However, during our feast she wanted me to give you an 100 star review. Huh, how about that!! She was like, “Sis, you are so brave to watch a YouTube guy and make a Turkey for us without testing it out first😅.” Yes, you are brilliant. All pieces were juicy with the skins roasted perfectly.
    Please accept my sincerest Thank You for such a memorable experience that will now be passed on to my family for generations to come. The breasts and wings were done first. Just placed them on my wood chop board to rest whilst the legs and thighs continued to roast. When all was done and rested, I served it on a platter with some of the gravy on the bottom, sprinkled some fresh cut sage and savory. Beautiful presentation. You know, family members are still sending me messages about it!
    I ordered a young fresh bird from a specialty market in Bend, Oregon. It is a Shelton Turkey. Fresh and just the best. No antibiotics, etc. I got there at 7:00 AM on the 20th, of November, as they go fast even if you ordered one. I guess because they are fresh from the farm and some people don’t show up to pick theirs up. Not me…..I will be there to get mine😳
    My Son In Law said to me, “ I am so jealous of your big cast iron pan right now❤.” I love him so much. He is 25 and will be getting one for Christmas. He actually helped me sear the pieces in one of my aprons. He is a keeper for life!
    Anyway, thanks again for your brilliant video. You are truly a delight and I wish you all the best as I am awaiting more videos from you❤

  3. Jennifer Willey
    Jennifer Willey says:

    I made this turkey for Thanksgiving yesterday and Oh WOW! It turned out fantastic! Also down-loaded the Holiday Plan of Attack and I do believe that was the best $15 Ive spent in a long time! Thank you, much appreciated!

  4. Eddie Tucker IV
    Eddie Tucker IV says:

    Just did this and it was AWESOME. A complete success. The bird looked and tasted amazing, the gravy was ridiculous, and waking up to the smell of that stock… IMHO this is now the only way to do a TG turkey. Thank you!

  5. Robb Stacy
    Robb Stacy says:

    Thank you SO much for this idea!!!! 5 Stars! I watched the video the first time a couple weeks ago. I bought a Meater + probe and my turkey. The day before Thanksgiving, I created a dry brine with: Kosher Salt, Coarse Black Pepper, Brown Sugar, Sweet Paprika, Sage, Rosemary, Thyme, Basil. I let this marinate on my deconstructed turkey for 24 hours. It came out as the best turkey I have ever had. This is how I will be making turkey from now on!

  6. eastcoastj05
    eastcoastj05 says:

    I don't usually comment on videos but I just have to say. I thought cutting up the bird before cooking was insane, but decided to give it a try this year. This was by far the best turkey I've ever done, and just know I've been roasting turkeys for at least the last 25 years, trying to perfect it each year. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I will NEVER cook a turkey like I used to. This technique has blown my mind. Not only was it awesome to wake up to the smell of Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving morning with stock simmering on the stove, but my whole family couldn't believe the flavor and the juiciness of the turkey. Dry brining over night is a must. If anyone is on the fence about cooking your turkey this way, I'm here to say, you won't be disappointed. So appreciate this video. Thank you………..

  7. LaVerna Turner
    LaVerna Turner says:

    I received the most wonderful compliments this year on the 18 pound turkey I made from watching your video. The dry rub with salt only blew everyone's mind. The meat was really juicy and had a wonderful taste. I was able to make the stock and let it simmer overnight from the carcass. The hardest part for me was carving the parts of the turkey. I ended up with extra pieces like the tenderloins separate from the breasts. Everything was golden brown and crispy. I will do my turkey like this always! Thank You so much for your helpful video.

  8. Stephanie Mason
    Stephanie Mason says:

    Tried this method this year and was not impressed. It did cook really fast and was very juicy but the meat was tough and not a pleasant mouth feel. The butterfly method is still way better imo. Never doing this again unless I change the cooking method. I think 450 is just too hot to cook something and still have it be tender.

  9. Luke Celt
    Luke Celt says:

    Turned out great, thanks! I think I got the pan hotter than I expected, because by 4 minutes in (you mentioned 5 – 10 minutes to get a nice golden brown on the skin) I was getting some burn marks so had to reduce heat quickly. Also, at 450 degrees in the oven, it took way longer than 30 minutes to get the breast meat up to temp. But who cares – everyone around the table marveled at the juiciness and flavor, it was pronounced our best Thanksgiving turkey yet! From-scratch gravy was great too. I’m a convert!

  10. Matt Land
    Matt Land says:

    No, no, no. Baby, no. Do not ever separate the breast from the bone. So much flavor loss, not to mention the most moist and flavorful part of the breast is what you peel off the bone.

  11. Gary Muth
    Gary Muth says:

    Thank you so much! I never cooked a turkey before so I followed your video step by step. My turkey was a huge success at our family Thanksgiving dinner. My 14 year grandson is a foodie and said it was the best turkey he ever tasted and gave me a plus 11 out of 1-10 rating. That made my day, thanks.

  12. Scare Zone
    Scare Zone says:

    Ok, had my doubts, but tried this anyway yesterday and I'm here to tell you, I'm never cooking a whole bird again… I do need to get a bigger skillet as I always get a 20-25lbs so I had to stove fry with the bottom half of my roast pan… But the result was amazing. Best turkey I ever made….

  13. Rhoda8002
    Rhoda8002 says:

    A couple years ago I "agreed" to cook a turkey. Heavy little sucker but got it brined o/ nite. In am, while pouring out brine, turkey revenge! It yanked my arm as it flew out into sink. Dtr took me to the closest fire stn,station me out. Ligament problem, endless nights fitful sleep on one side, constant focus on strengthening rt arm, wore a shoulder brace. Family did cook n eat turkey. I'm good now but wince when I see a turkey. I'm going to try your method. I still need to cook turkey…late. Family went to Vegas and toanball game @in CA. Belated happy tksgvg

  14. Josh Huncho Morey
    Josh Huncho Morey says:

    Do you cover what to do with the stock? 👀 I wanna try some recipes. I have about 6 cups of stock left over and I don’t wanna throw it out.

    The turkey was a huge hit by the way! My first hosted thanksgiving was so much fun.

  15. Erik
    Erik says:

    Not the results I was hoping for, but probably something I can fix next time. Both the breasts and legs/thighs were undercooked, despite me taking them out as instructed. I would leave the breasts in until they are at least 160 and the legs/thighs in until they are at least 195.

  16. Donna Fernstrom
    Donna Fernstrom says:

    Haha, what are you talking about? I always save the carcass after I roast the turkey, and the drippings, too – and use them to make delicious stew. Why would cooking the bird first make that a problem? It's easy to pull the meat off the bones once it's cooked, and then just use all of the bones to make a good stock, including the wing and leg bones.

    But I don't add the veggies until I remove the carcass from the pot and sort the bones out from the meat. I only add some salt and pepper. I strain the broth and then put it through one of those special cups to get rid of most of the fat. I then add the meat back to the stock and add all the veggies – but prepped to be eaten. I don't like waste. In the end, all I throw away are some clean bones. The seasoned fat can be used for frying, or tossed if you don't want to use it.

    Also, cooking it skin-side down means you don't get crispy skin to eat. I generally cook the whole turkey breast-down and then flip it when it's almost done and crisp up the skin.

  17. Aaron Sines
    Aaron Sines says:

    Dude….I can’t thank you enough. I followed every step of your video. The results were undeniable. I will never go back to cooking a whole bird again. The entire bird was used. The stock was used to make stuffing and gravy. Absolute liquid gold. Thank you!!!!

  18. Patti Smith
    Patti Smith says:

    I followed the steps on this video with a 25 pound fresh turkey and it was truly the best turkey ever.it was so easy in every way. I agree 100% with the 7 reasons. It took 1-1/2 to cook vs 5 hours. Very good video.


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