Fake Food: No Lamb In The Lamb Roll | Black Food Technology | Delicious Foods Are Made This Way

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In recent years, a controversial street food, Luosifen (螺蛳粉), has taken China by storm. Some people say it’s extremely stinky, …

45 replies
  1. jonny bliek
    jonny bliek says:

    In the early 1980ties.i worked for a World renowned company. Making aromatics artificial tasters and food additives….already then the knowledge was 87%is cancerous so don't use it in human food….however the Chinese food companies bought the recipes and from that moment on the national health level went overboard

  2. lofishere
    lofishere says:

    It's not synthetic, it's product substitution using pork and cheaper protein.

    The fake steak is basically reconstituted minced Hamburg steak…seriously, I wouldn't trust the tik tok guys as well.

    What China needs is an independent food body to clamp down short cuts in food manufacturing. Quality can be very high to outright remaking plastics into rice

  3. Heinrich Muller
    Heinrich Muller says:

    when you look beyond the "savings" this generates for the food producers, restaurants, ect…the answer is fairly simple: This is how you manage to feed 1.4 billion.. BILLION! people, and that number is only growing even as you read this
    not saying it's right, morally or ethically but you can only grow/produce so much raw ingredients before the price of food becomes so high that people revolt

  4. Gavin Soubra
    Gavin Soubra says:

    That's China for you running low on food supplies now they have to eat everything. The influx of cancers and tumors and stomach ulcers from eating all that nasty garbage is going to kill people.

  5. Da Lama
    Da Lama says:

    Nothing new. Really. They seemed to love sewage oil as fragrant and addicting anyways. Who knows. Maybe China might be really the first country in the world to produce mutants and form their own X-Men version of it. Maybe naming it CCP-Men or C-Men?

  6. Quizmaster China
    Quizmaster China says:

    I worked in restaurants; you can and in some restaurants do leave soups to simmer overnight. Because the soup is hot the entire time it doesn't go bad.
    Force meat sausage glue meat are all ways to re/use meat/trimmings/fillers. As long as it doesn't cause a health problem with e.g. plastic fillers or literal trash-oils it's not a problem. You have VERY likely already eaten glued together "steak", even in the USA.

  7. LagrangePoint
    LagrangePoint says:

    Makes you wonder what Pres Xi and top CCP officail eat. They probably have their own chefs using the finest, freshest, and top quality meats just for them including Western imported top quality products. Meanwhile, how does the general populaltion tell who is using, selling, and preparing quality foods for consumption? Lesson for tourists, don't eat street food?

  8. Hyrenapth
    Hyrenapth says:

    The sad truth is there is no affordable food at China along the environmental disaster of fast industrialization and growth. Therefore, they got creative, made the impossible and that worked. Lot of people eat cheap food, are happy and probably get some cancer sooner than the rest of the world. It is a fake world…kinda remember the Victorian era full of toxic products and food.

  9. Savy S
    Savy S says:

    Don’t eat anything especially package food produced in China unless you re starving. Also, check the label carefully, these days, manufacturers and distributors use Made in PRC instead of Made in China to disguise the origin. The next global pandemic is going to be originated from PRC again as the uncontrolled use of antibiotics on human and livestock, chemicals on package food, consumption of wild creatures etc., will definitely introduce a new breed of super bugs.

  10. indo Suprem
    indo Suprem says:

    I had diarhea when eating food from outside (restaurant and food vendor) but after i lost my job last month i start cooking food to save money (mostly instan noodle) and i never had diarhea since

  11. IBLIS Falcon
    IBLIS Falcon says:

    Some Chinese mainlanders are extremely upset with the 80+ Chinese PLA soldiers India killed in June 2020 hence Chinese Terrorist Party did not disclose these numbers. Even the families of the dead PLA soldiers were never respected… This is why PLA is so respected in China because it owns the right to privacy and sex in the Chinese bedrooms too, with CCTV surveillance cameras installed everywhere in China…


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