Extended Fast Spontaneous LiveStream #2 – July 26, 2022

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This is my second livestream to give updates and answer questions about my extended fast.

23 replies
  1. Rebecca Hewitt
    Rebecca Hewitt says:

    We have an 18 year old kitty, and she is going through much of what you described. We get a rotisserie chicken each week for her and chop it up. Since she started eating this, she hardly ever throws up. Maybe something like that would help settle your kitties’ stomachs?

  2. Marcia Vimazal
    Marcia Vimazal says:

    Hi Steve-I am getting inspired watching these fasting videos. I only did a 72 hour fast once and it was a long time ago. I actually hated it to be truthful. But, after watching you might attempt another longer fast, just not sure how long. Sorry I am rambling a bit. Anyway on how to break a fast. Dr. Berry recommends starting with bone broth, which I heard you mention you plan on doing and then something easy on your stomach like scrambled eggs. If your body does well then you can go back to your usual diet. I am a recent subscriber to this channel, and have been subscribed to Serious Keto for a while.

  3. Stephanie Potts
    Stephanie Potts says:

    I have experienced much higher glucose numbers well into fasts, especially extended fasts. It worried me at first, but Dr. Berry and Dr. Fung had some answers for that. It is normal for you to have higher glucose numbers on extended fasts. Basically your body is having to make glucose and trying to send it to the muscles which are rejecting it saying, no thanks we are happy burning fat. Here is a quote from Dr. Fung that I hope helps "Fasting can definitely raise blood glucose. This is due to the effect of insulin falling and the rising counter-regulatory hormones including increased sympathetic tone, noradrenaline, cortisol and growth hormone, in addition to glucagon. These all have the effect of pushing glucose from liver storage into the blood. This is normal. If you are not eating, you want to use some stored glucose. The question is this – if you are not eating, and your blood glucose went up, where did that glucose come from? It can only have come from your own body (liver). So, it’s a natural phenomenon, and the fasting now allows your body to use some of the glucose for energy." The medical term for this is Adaptive Glucose Sparing". https://blog.designsforhealth.com/node/835 I do think that the longer you do this, the less you experience this. For the first time (in a year and a half of regular, almost weekly extended fasting) my glucose numbers did not go higher. I have had a couple of fasts where glucose went to 136…I ended the fast when that happened because I did not feel well. I think it was the daily workouts during that fast which caused those spikes. Hope that helps.

  4. Stephanie Potts
    Stephanie Potts says:

    Went ahead with weight lifting last night, leg night. I just backed off to 3 sets of 8 and used the same weight from last week. I did get light headed a couple of times, so I didn't push it. The only downside besides a lighter work load was my shoulder killing me this morning. I am losing at least 3 lbs a day, so I may go to the end of the month. This has been the easiest fast I have done, and I've done a lot of fasting. I have noticed my heart racing faster…I just take more electrolytes. First time I haven't been hungry on a fast. However, I did get some hunger pains when we started lifting last night. My allergies and asthma had been hitting me hard with the heat, and the fast has eliminated the need for medication. Sleep…that is non existant, ggg. Love the canning info. I want to start canning meat. BTW, I have an abundance of basil this year and got to thinking, I would love to see your herb garden and hear how you use them when you have large harvest of something.

  5. Sharon Hawkins
    Sharon Hawkins says:

    We are all different and have to find what works for us. I enjoy learning from your videos. I am still learning what works for me and what doesn’t. I have been able to stop my Trulicity injections and no longer on any diabetic meds, all in one month. Trying to stay under 20g of carbs per day. Can’t wait to try a longer fast. Keep up the good work.

  6. Trista Ware
    Trista Ware says:

    I wanted to give you some encouragement that my friend gave me when I was wondering if it was time to put our dog down. If you don’t question that it is too early, it’s too late. If you’re questioning, it’s time. It’s such a hard decision! We had to put both of our dogs down last year. The oldest was almost 18 so it was time. I so wanted to be selfish though

  7. John F
    John F says:

    Hi Steve, to answer your question on the used Dexcom 6 devices, my wife uses the Dexcom and Omnipod. You cannot silence a low alarm, which is a good thing if you are a diabetic and a sleep. Unfortunately every 10 days the used Dexcom goes in the garbage, only the package is recyclable. Every 3 days, the spent Omnipod goes in the garbage. They are not considered medical waste. If you have any questions, let me know. I'm a T2D on Metformin so if you have diabetic type questions we have both ends of the spectrum covered.

  8. ChalkItUp
    ChalkItUp says:

    First, I am so sorry to hear about your kitty. When you have had them that long they are like family. Also, thank you for the tip on the finger stick. Trying to do it on the finger pad gave me so much anxiety I quickly gave up. My strips are probably two years old now so may not be good anymore. I might try anyway. I'm 62 hours into my fast. Haven't decided how long I want to go.

  9. jim jones
    jim jones says:

    Glad to see you're sticking with it.
    I'm on day two of my three days fast. Yesterday did my normal abs and chin/pull ups/walk routine….today is the Push/press ups walk routine. My numbers for 24 hours were what I expected, BGL was 84 Kt was 0.3…too many roasted peanuts the evening before. Today I will check after my walk and garden work and update you tomorrow. I expect today my 48 hour numbers will be BGL 60 (or slightly below) and Kt should be about 4. We shall see.
    I feel great at the moment, mind and body are good. Had a glass of water with a 1/4 tsp of salt last night and a glass of water with 1 tsp of salt this morning. All good.
    Keep up the good work.

  10. Therese Solimeno
    Therese Solimeno says:

    Hey Steve, my 15-year-old cat used to do that wailing thing in the middle of the night and the vet diagnosed her as hyperthyroid. He put her on prescription drops added to her food and she's fine now (more energy, a little more weight, too). That may not be what's up with your cat, of course, because yours is older but it might be something to keep in mind for other cats.

  11. Maggie Malone
    Maggie Malone says:

    I wanted to fast along with you, but I couldn't arrange to start when you did. I fast regularly. Two, or three, day fasts are a regular thing, and I've done a 9-day and a 7-day fast. And all while cooking 3 meals a day for my family. I find the longer I go without food the less it appeals to me.

  12. Kathi Clower
    Kathi Clower says:

    Hi Steve… suggestion for a chat topic unless you already have done this… different sugar substitutes and which are more keto happy and which should be avoided please.. glad your fast is going well 😊

  13. Mike Nik
    Mike Nik says:

    Another miss on the live stream… Thanks for your openness and encouragement. You have been a significant help to me on my Keto / be healthier journey.
    I am also over 80 hours of fasting… I am shooting for 7 days. A big motivation for me is that Autophagy is maxed out after 72 hours and doing another 24 or 48 hours of fasting allows it to do its work more for me longer and should provide better healing.

    At 36 hours: Autophagy increases by 300%!

    At 48 hours: Autophagy increases 30% more

    Immune system reset, and regeneration starts

    Increased reduction in inflammatory response

    At 72 hours: Autophagy maxes out
    Reference: Priya Khorana, PhD, in nutrition education from Columbia University.

  14. Cherie B
    Cherie B says:

    Yes, if cat food smells good, that tells you a lot. I remember on one fast, I thought about grabbing an old lady’s takeout lunch right out of her hands when she was walking by. 🤣

  15. Krystyna 1polishchik
    Krystyna 1polishchik says:

    The live chat button seems to appear a few hours after the live has finished. I have found this to be the same on other channels. The live chat button is now available on your live chat from 2 days ago.
    I watch on my Samsung tablet.


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