Every Way To Cook A Potato (43 Ways)

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The potato is a powerful thing. 🙂 Get My Cookbook: https://bit.ly/TextureOverTaste Additional Cookbook Options (other stores, …

34 replies
  1. @kqc7011
    @kqc7011 says:

    When we were young and went camping, we used to just toss them into the fire and leave them in. After a few beers, pull them out, break them open then add salt, pepper (butter if we had some) dig the cooked away from the black and eat. (the beer helped)

  2. @thehunter1244
    @thehunter1244 says:

    Honestly, I've been to a restaurant in Paris where they had kind of a specialty of pommes dauphines.
    It was genuinely insane how good it was. We ordered two supplementary batches and ate it all, it was so light, crispy and tasty at the same time that I lost count of how much I ate, and to this day I honestly think it's one of if not the best potato I've ever had


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