Elderberry syrup w raw honey, made with dried elderberries | Immune Boost | Off Grid Australia 113

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Hey Everyone! I wasn’t going to put a video out today but Tina prompted me to put the footage together of the elderberry syrup I …

20 replies
  1. Elaine Taylor
    Elaine Taylor says:

    Found your video so informative. I have a question hoping to assist you. I would like to purchase two more attachments for my kitchen maid .Do you have any affiliations with any business that you can benefit through my purchases. Take care of yourself 🙂

  2. Alison Shanahan
    Alison Shanahan says:

    I need some right now! My neice kindly shared her cold with me, my nose is running and throat is sore. I have drunk all the raspberry cordial, half a bottle of passionfruit and vanilla cordial and now have a litre of apple and raspberry next to the bed. Raspberry is excellent for upset stomachs, even the artificial stuff. My husband had the flu a fortnight ago and I didn't get it, I wasn't expecting to catch a cold after 5 years 🤧. I will order some elderberries and make some elixir. Thanks so much for the video, very timely.

  3. Countrymouse's Farmhouse
    Countrymouse's Farmhouse says:

    Ooohh sounds yum actually, almost a chai elderberry syrup. I bought a few black elderberry plants , I thought they died but kept watering the area every now and then and this winter they shot up to a metre high so far. 🤷 in the meantime I decided to get the native yellow ones for up the back and they're doing ok . Only about 15 and 30 cm high but maybe those ones won't stain absolutely everything. Haha. Thank you for sharing and I hope it soothed you all 🧡

  4. Little Garden Big Dreams
    Little Garden Big Dreams says:

    I buy all my vitamins and stuff from iherb. They are so fast to post too. I’ve got bags of foraged elderberries in my freezer screaming out to be made into syrup, but I’m short in time at the moment. Oh well, sooon 🤣🤣 xx Cathi xx 😘

  5. Lady Thyme
    Lady Thyme says:

    Perfect! Just what you need. Yes I buy mine dried as well….I’ve no access to fresh either…I make this every year…in fact we are now going into that Season it’s Time! I’ve added a bit of gelatin at times and made gummies 😀….Cinnamon goes good with added benefits as well..do you make Fire Cider as well?

  6. Marcella Hicks
    Marcella Hicks says:

    Loved watching this vlog. I am so happy you had elderberry and ginger on your shelf. You never know when you are going to need it. Thanks for sharing. How do you store this syrup? In the refrigerator, shelf? You have to dye something some time. Beets are so similar. Hope your feeling better. Thanks again


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