Eggless Ragi Brownie Recipe – No Wheat Flour – No Refined Sugar – No Maida | Skinny Recipes

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gluten free, healthy, eggless brownies made with ragi flour (finger millet) double chocolate healthy brownie recipe without eggs and dairy #vegan #glutenfree …

35 replies
  1. Arti Chougule
    Arti Chougule says:

    Hello mam. I tried ur this receipe yesterday. But don't khow why the brownie became bitter in taste. Plz tell me what should be the cause?? I used the same ingredients as urs. Still????

  2. Geetika Lohani
    Geetika Lohani says:

    Why would u cook a fruit like banana? It reduces it's nutrient value. Moreover grains and fruits are not a good food combination.

    While Ragi is great for health it's best not to mix it with a fruit or to cook a fruit for that matter. Would appreciate if you would take these aspects also in consideration when u talk about healthy food.


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