EAT WITH ME… ramen, dumplings, kimchi… // Munching Mondays Ep.52

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47 replies
    USMCLP says:

    I’m in NYC right now and it’s just so bad. Can’t go anywhere or do anything, and the number of cases here are insane. It’s even worse because there’s still people not taking it seriously.

    But I’m taking it one day at a time you know? I hope you stay safe Rose.

  2. Joanne Monaco
    Joanne Monaco says:

    Hey Rose! So now I must have a kimchi and tofu and Ramen dish tomorrow…so delicious. How about a sign up class to cook together? Something simple stir fry or a soup like this? We need togetherness.

  3. PapayaJoy
    PapayaJoy says:

    Seriously?? You are a smart girl. You really buy this crap? Think.. pull yourself out of the propaganda and THINK! Check out Gregory Mannarino, terral03, Jeff p, Richie from Boston. WAKE UP!

  4. Edward Snowden
    Edward Snowden says:

    It's becoming increasingly more and more difficult for me to even hear about all of this, and making me seek ways out, and stay in a state of denial of it all. Too much anxiety with it. So…I think I'll be watching videos of puppies and kittens for a long while! Stay safe everyone!

  5. Panda Princess
    Panda Princess says:

    I think this entire situation has thrown all of us off. My trip was canceled, so technically, I should be catching up on cleaning. I have not reached the emotional eating part yet, but definitely procrastinating and on my phone a lot. Schools out here are closing til the end of April at least, so now I am unsure about whether I will be working from home or having to use additional vacation time due to lack of childcare. Thank you for normalzing this situation for us, we all seem to be in the same boat at this point. Stay healthy Rose! Oh, and sorry for being nosey, but where are your parents? Or did you already discuss this and I missed it?

  6. Clarrissa Kelsey
    Clarrissa Kelsey says:

    Odd question, but why does everyone always go "Mm" after they take a bite of food? Is it a "Mm" as in good in taste? Or… I really am confused. I notice you do it several times while eating, some short "Mm" some long "MmMM". O_O

  7. Melissa Servais
    Melissa Servais says:

    Totally feel ya on the comfort eating and #quarantine15. On the one hand I’m working out 5 days a week now in my living room (up from once or twice a week). But I’m also eating way more than before because I’m home all the time, and have been so anxious/depressed about this pandemic situation so I’m finding comfort in copious amounts of noodles. I think it’s totally normal to be on a roller coaster of emotions right now. I say do whatever makes you feel good (within limits, obvs) and don’t be too hard on yourself if you need to have a lazy day here or there. I find it helps to stick to a routine schedule, connect with friends online & over the phone, read books and do puzzles & crafts. I’m steering clear of the news for a bit to protect my mental health. Stay healthy & safe, everyone. 💚

  8. Susan Hoppe
    Susan Hoppe says:

    Rose, what are you dipping the dumplings in? Sauerkraut is more for me than kimchi, but it is delicious.
    I am home for years and I am only 51, but with Stage 4 breast cancer and side effect stuff, I am restricted more.
    I aim for unhealthy stuff with healthy stuff.
    In MN we are quarantined but we can get out, just stay 6 feet from others.
    I will listen to the podcast soon.
    Try to treat yourself good during this time and every day.

  9. Lulu's Mom
    Lulu's Mom says:

    This is Rose at her best! Rose, no one slurps ramen like you do…I must make this tomorrow…you truly are the ramen slurpy slurp queen! You need to know I have two, count em ONE TWO kinds of vegan kimchi in my fridge! Because of YOU!

  10. Evanity Mirror
    Evanity Mirror says:

    No need to follow the hyped-up hysteria train…
    the unknown mysteria, the fear that is plain.
    Not until long, it all will be gone.
    A spark, just to realise, the power you hold.

  11. Sienna Reynolds
    Sienna Reynolds says:

    I would love love love if you made a response video to that fricken sea life animal abuser on YouTube. You don’t have to be, “mean” but I believe being firm and truth bombing her would be fabulous.

  12. Faith Cook
    Faith Cook says:

    coming at you from day 12 of american quarantine and my state governor just declared we isolate til june 10th….so yeah i will be doing nothing but indulging in good food 😂😭


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