Eat Move Rest Deficient Diet and Chronometer Beliefs

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25 replies
  1. basia
    basia says:

    I saw a Daily Harvest Ad while watching. I have a friend with irreversible liver damage from eating the lentil crisps and may never live a normal life again. What a horrible company

  2. Emillie Moon
    Emillie Moon says:

    I just sat down to a bowl of 3 cheese tortellini with italian sausage with a delicious tomato sauce and I'm confused as to how I went 2.5 years without a meal like this. never again. fatty, juicy sausage. mmm

  3. Corinna
    Corinna says:

    Cron-O-Meter won't tell you how bioavailable the nutrients in food are. If it did, the nutritional makeup of fruits and vegetables wouldn't look nearly as pretty.

  4. Coni Salgado
    Coni Salgado says:

    Remember calling vegans knobbby and sarcopenic is something they enjoy. They looooove the skeleton look as they equate it with “light; pure, spiritual, clean, organic, skinny, healthy”. If anything pointing this out will make them want to do it more because this is the look they desire

  5. Mpp999
    Mpp999 says:

    Plant protein bioavailabilty is dissapointing. MFP and chronometer cater to plant based dieters so they won't include DIAAS and PDCAAS (protein quality + availability scores). I had to look for alternatives to whey at some point, so I read up on pea protein isolate and rice protein absorption, which you can mix 3:1 if you want a complete aminoacid profile. I think I did a thorough research, I read about 7 papers and 2 well cited reviews. Since then, I count pea protein isolate at 60% of the advertised value and rice at 30-40% when counting my daily protein. Soy, I don't touch it. Eric Trexler's – phd in biochemistry/sports science,- tl;dr on the issue: he guarantees you won't get feminizing effects if you take 80-100 g of soy protein per day (with the corresponding isoflavones for that dose) but can't promise anything above that number. But there are days when I'm cutting when I need more than 80 g, since my most conservative daily target is 180g.

    Depending on the source, a certain protein may not only be incomplete (not enough essential aminoacids of a certain kind), it may have poor digestibility, or have low bioavailability. So 3 criteria, not 2. Most vegangelists only mention the first 2. If you only look at 2, yeah, you can say soy digests easily and scores 0.9 relative to eggs or whey, with pea protein coming as a close second. But plants actually have anti-nutrients. That loon Sverige was right. In another paper I read, they were giving weight lifters and non weight lifters soy protein and whey. So equal quantities of protein with a bit more of the soy isolate protein powder to compensate for its lower digestibility. The area under the curve of circulating blood aminoacid for plant protein was 50-60% compared to whey. For whatever reason you just excrete half of the plant protein. Remember, protein is inferred from the nitrogen in the sample. They digest the sample in acid and calculate the nitrogen amount per total mass. Since all aminoacids have nitrogen, an amount of protein is assumed in the end. This is why some companies spike their mass gainers with nitrogen compounds to up the nitrogen because whey is expensive. However, this test does not account for anti-nutrients. The nitrogen number they provide for their calculation in plant protein is the same as in animal products, so in both cases nitrogen mass is correlated to available aminoacids. There is no definitive science on anti-nutrients. They can name a lot of them, they can explain their effects, but there are no definitive human mechanistic studies on plant protein to fully explain what's going on.

    I highly recommend biolayne's channel. His field of reasearch for his phd in biochemistry was proteins, he's also a bodybuilder and powerlifter. He's not a carnivore zealot, nor a vegan. Watch a couple of his vids on protein to get an honest picture. He's got no skin in the game, he frequently wears t-shirts that say " data, not feelings" roasting both keto and vegan tribes.

  6. Ayinke
    Ayinke says:

    I think she should do a video on what will happen if you don't give your children, B12, D3, protien powder and omega-3s ……see if her subscribers will still think her diet is healthy…🤔

    PS does chewing all that veg make your cheeks well-defined? Or is it because the rest of your face starts to shrink? Ref also Karyn Calabrese.

  7. Ezra Millie
    Ezra Millie says:

    I think her youngest child has rickets I saw on the stories and the child didn't look healthy at all. Also she definitely put on some Covergirl or Maybelline to disguise the awful vegan skin, that blush ain't fooling nobody 😉

  8. Scarlet Summer
    Scarlet Summer says:

    Your cravings and eating what sounds good is a better cronometer.
    This is why you eat everything God gave us in this earth and listen to your body!!!
    Listen to computer science or your body.
    I will choose my body.

  9. Scarlet Summer
    Scarlet Summer says:

    We've seen a vegan Doc or so say people haven't had success with gains on Iron or B's…in blood work staying deficient.
    People like her are naive and too trusting in garbage like this just like the folks who think the Gov loves them and protects them.


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