Easy Meatballs and Gravy | Carnivore and Keto Dinner Recipe

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Easy Meatballs and Gravy | Carnivore and Keto Dinner Recipe …

30 replies
  1. TruFlyFox
    TruFlyFox says:

    I use a little butter at the end and JUST barely melt it as a thickener. I don't have anything carnivore crisp because I am cheap….er, frugal.

    (I looked it up and it is called "mounting"🤣)
    "Sauces can be finished with butter, to luxurious effect, with a technique called mounting: for a rich, glossy, butter-mounted sauce, add pieces of well-chilled butter to the heated sauce and rotate the pan steadily, allowing the butter to emulsify slowly"

  2. Lynn Goodwin
    Lynn Goodwin says:

    Good to see you back online after a bought of bioweapon poisoning, (covid) Knew your diet was healthy and you would suffer less than most in our age group. You bring us such terrific recipes with such joy in your presentations, it is just addictive. Thank you for all you do.

  3. InChristAlone153
    InChristAlone153 says:

    Just a heads up, please pay attention to what is going on around the world, bible prophecy is falling off the pages of the bible. If you aren't saved, you should get saved now before it's to late because Jesus is coming very very very soon. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 10: 9-13, Ephesians 2: 8-9. Much love and God bless.

  4. Esther F.G.
    Esther F.G. says:

    I like to add fresh cream and eggs to the meat and let them in the fridge for few hours. Also some times instead of using the pan I prefer to cook them in the oven

  5. Renee Kennedy
    Renee Kennedy says:

    Great to hear you sounding better, Anita! Hope you're able to get a good balance with rest. The meatballs and gravy look terrific! I'm sure Pippi & Teddi were nearby!🐾🐾 Glad your camera person is on the mend as well! Thank you and take good care. 💐

  6. francine posa
    francine posa says:

    I make mine lil onion also ‘Swedish meatballs. Had a bit left in frig of cream cheese. Worked well
    I did order the jarred beef flour. I did not see the bag size. Next time tho. Pretty warm & hearty, freezes pretty darn good too.


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