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By popular demand, come along and I’ll show you my amazing nutritious bone broth recipe today. The first 1000 people to click the link will get a one month trial …

41 replies
  1. Vic Tea
    Vic Tea says:

    Surprised to hear you talk about iodine in such a way. It’s an essential mineral and if you become deficient you can get goiters. Thought as a nurse you would know that.

  2. Melanie Clark
    Melanie Clark says:

    Do you take the bones out before feeding the scraps to the chickens? Or do the bones break down enough to become edible for the chickens? I’ve never made bone broth but would like to. I also have chickens, so I’d give them the scraps as well. So just curious to know if the bones need to be removed before giving them the scraps. Chickens eat rocks/stones though. So 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

  3. bham.mama
    bham.mama says:

    Ahh, I'm currently an hour into making my first bone broth after watching this vid and I realized I forgot the salt (facepalm). Is it important for the cooking process that I should release the pressure and add it? Or just add it at the end?

  4. Dionne Shirley
    Dionne Shirley says:

    I've always made my own broth when making soup but I've never left it in for more than a few hours! Trying this in my crock pot for 24-48 hrs 😋 I will be asking my mom for the turkey carcass after Thanksgiving this year to try that too! Yum!

  5. Joan E.
    Joan E. says:

    Why do you call it bone broth? If you make it with chicken bones, it's chicken broth. If you make it with beef bones, it's beef broth. Isn't it the same? I've never seen the stores stock bone broth.

  6. Cindy Budd
    Cindy Budd says:

    Hi ,i saw on one of your videos that you are having an issue with fruit flies . I was too,so i bought fly tape and stuck it under kitchen cabinets on counter with a small container of apple cider vinegar right next to it ! No more fruit flies !

  7. Mara Mccullough
    Mara Mccullough says:

    I would like to learn these skills and try to make my own homemade bone broth. It might be a dumb question but do you need to wash your veggies first of just place them in as is? I would have to use a Crock-Pot. Thank you.

  8. R Richards
    R Richards says:

    I love your simple, uncomplicated instructions. This is my type of cooking. I have seen other videos on bone broth and they make it overwhelming. Plus I recently got an Instant Pot so it will be fun to try it out. One query though- is it OK to feed chicken remains to your chickens? I've always been told not to feed meat, and particularly chicken, to our chooks. Or is it because you have taken so much out of the carcass that it is OK?

  9. Khrysta & David
    Khrysta & David says:

    I just finished making your chicken bone broth I have been waiting and trying to find a video of how you make it because yes the ones from store do not compare it’s delicious. I wish I could post a picture of the broth sooooo yummy.

  10. karen selogic
    karen selogic says:

    Couldn’t you use the vegetables in a soup that’s from that bone broth. Take out the long stems. But use the celery, onions and carrots in a noodles soup. Cook the noodles then and the vegetables and some of the broth.

  11. b Consilio
    b Consilio says:

    I find this whole craze about bone broth ridiculous! It’s the way soup is made. It’s cheap & the soup is made! Veggies and bones from chicken, turkey, or beef: the longer you cook it the better . It’s fine to leave your stove on while home and nothing is near to catch fire. I’m 60 and I’ve done it as my mom and grandma did it our entire lives!!!!!! Chefs call it stock and leave it on low overnight. I would not, but…
    throw it in a pot and cook it covered in water for at least 4 hours, better at 8 best 120+
    SHE IS MAKING THIS TOOOOOOOO HARD! Don’t use vinegar yuck!


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