Doenjang jjigae 된장찌개 (Soybean Paste Stew with Pork and Vegetables)

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Doenjang jjigae is a stew flavored with fermented soybean paste. It’s hearty and packed with savory flavors! So deliciously …

5 replies
  1. Damon Do
    Damon Do says:

    i'm korean american, but i live in china right now. your videos help me eat like i'm at home, gives me little projects to work on, and keeps me from getting too homesick. thanks for all the homecooked meals, i look forward to your next video!!

  2. Brandon
    Brandon says:

    Great recipe, I really like doenjang jjigae. I would prefer if there wasn't music during the recipe as it is distracting. I enjoy your presentation though.

  3. CiganyWeaver and her periwinklebluespacecaravan
    CiganyWeaver and her periwinklebluespacecaravan says:

    I love Doenjang jjigae– I've made it once a month, every month over the last few years. My husband dumps his rice in the bowl in one go and I tend to go between rice and soup in separate bowls. I go between an authentic recipe and one where I find myself adding a few deliberately unconventional twists depending on what I have in the fridge that needs to be used up. I tend to add chunks of white onion, courgettes and I add bean sprouts too, if I have them to use up. It's such a great stew, I loved watching your method…see what I can change up again. 😀


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