DITL May 2022: Many Random Tips, Starting Meal Planning, Vegan Kitchen and Recipe Links

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Here’s another classic random day in the life video. I hope it’s useful and helpful in some way! Enjoy! My Vegan Pancake Mix: …

8 replies
  1. Andrea K
    Andrea K says:

    I loved this video. I don't think you're flighty, we are all unique. If we were all the same, how boring would the world be?!? 🥰 Definitely adding a quart of date syrup to my next Azure order. Wish I was closer so that we could can some beans and other goodies together. When I'm not feeling well it is so great to be able to pull food off the shelf and fix a quick and healthy, homemade meal that normally would have taken hours and lots of energy to prepare. 😉 Have fun with your 🥬!!

  2. Kathy Fitzpatrick
    Kathy Fitzpatrick says:

    Don't laugh, but this is the first time meal planning ever made sense to me. Since it's just me, I realized I could make enough dinners the first week to eat for the whole month.

    So cool about the cabbage! Do you have a fermentation crock? I have a tradtional brown one with a groove for water to create an air tight seal. It holds a ton of cabbage!!!

    Loved your mustache!! I have a unibrow. My daughters say it doesn't count because the hair is so pale you can't see it. They're just jealous.

  3. Melody's Fireside Farm
    Melody's Fireside Farm says:

    I know you have a thing about canning but I'm praying for you on that 🙂 I started canning with my mom at 12 or 13 and am 66 now and never stopped canning. It's my addiction because I love instant meals. I pick a bean and one cup beans to a quart jar I can about 36 jars and they go into the pantry. I have every kind of bean you could imagine and instant meals at my finger tips. I have recipes galore for meals, soups and sides. I get cabbage, onions, celery, tomatoes, and bell peppers all cut up in a huge pot cook it down then can it and have instant veggies to add to anything. Canning can be therapy once you're past the fear. I know you would be so happy to fix meals so fast by shopping out of your canned goods pantry. Now don't get me wrong I love my buckets LOL but not as much as my jars. 🙂 I can't do planners my brain doesn't work that way but I can look at my shelves and put a meal together by what we're hungry for. PS I asked you about those sandals you wear and if anyone makes them in leather. I did not know until today vegans don't do leather either so I'm sorry for asking. I was not meaning to be rude in any way, I simple was unaware.

  4. sschueneman
    sschueneman says:

    For the red cabbage – Make sauerkraut, dehrydrate it, make canned coleslaw. The red sauerkraut is the most beautiful shade of fucia pink when fermented. I use the brown lentals for a mock slopy joe and put it on buns and it will use up your tomato paste in the process. I also slightly mash a few after cooking them and use them in tomato sause like a substitute for meat. Thanks for the video


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