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49 replies
  1. David Fisher
    David Fisher says:

    I don't quite get it. Dr. MacDougal argues that one could survive entirely on potatoes for a long time. I've never heard him argue that an exclusive diet of potatoes was a good idea. Forget for a moment that we could survive or not, who in hell would want to only eat potatoes? I could do it for maybe a couple of days before before boredom would get to me, and I think most people would agree, so really why run this hypothetical issue into the ground. Concentrate on the issue of wanna be vegans giving up over fear of protein deficiency.

  2. Nita Horner
    Nita Horner says:

    Well, I speak up wherever I can. No, the white potato is not great for everyone. I did Starch Solution for 3 months. faithfully. So excited to see results of my land. My triglycerides jumped to over 400! I felt like I was slapped in the face. I actually cried on the way home. I was so sure…
    Can you tell me if there is an answer for me? My doctor wanted me to go to low carb. 🙁 I eat plant based but so afraid of potatoes.. which I love.

  3. SNU
    SNU says:

    Can somebody sum up for me what it is that Dr. Greger said about potatoes? I do plan on watching this video, but later on when I have time.

  4. Teacher TRX
    Teacher TRX says:

    To the woman who said she gets sleepy when she eats potatoes: in the book, Potatoes not Prozac, It talks about how eating potatoes increases serotonin in the brain. That's a hormone that makes you feel relaxed and peaceful. It may increase tryptophan which makes you sleepy but that part I don't know. Oats always make me sleepy so now I have them for dinner. Dr McDougall is not big on the minutia of neurotransmitters

  5. Gloria Culp
    Gloria Culp says:

    I respect Dr McDougall for not ripping someone apart but stepping up to his reclaim his 40 years of research and proof that white potatoes work and are healthy. My husband is type 2 diabetic and because of Dr McDougall my husband has been able to keep his A1c in the 80s -90s! His doctors are thrilled! We eat at LEAST 10 pounds or more of white or russets potatoes a week!! Plus sweet potatoes and Japanese potatoes. Also brown rice.
    We believe in you Dr McDougall! You saved our lives! Thank you, Thank you! And thank you Mary for your teamwork and your awesome recipes and ideas.
    We love you guys. ❤️

  6. Swift Swift
    Swift Swift says:

    Best Session, I personally Like DR.M because I find his research is more true & honest than other Dr.G , this is just my opinion. Thanks Aj for the bringing this huge talent to the show🥰❤️ xoxo

  7. J Grysiak
    J Grysiak says:

    My wellness Doctor, DR. Roizen @ Cleveland Clinic told me not to eat any white potatoes, white rice , white pasta, because they are more glycemic; LMAO, he's not even vegan plant based!

  8. Jane Planner
    Jane Planner says:

    Thank you so, so much Dr McDougall & Chef AJ for this interview. I am so grateful for your knowledge. I live in the UK & have been vegan for over 7 years. Unfortunately my husband & myself started to eat more vegan processed food & our health has suffered – & weight gain! My husband’s blood pressure is hypertensive 3 now & our goal is to get our health back…again on a starch based, whole plant food based diet. Much love to you both ❤️ By the way, have much respect for Dr Gregor but we are all human & make mistakes! I do hope he publishes an apology & retraction.

  9. Mike Masail
    Mike Masail says:

    This demonization of white potatoes seams to be a theme.

    A while ago Dr Michael Klaper in his daily "questions sent in by a viewer" also said that white potatoes should only be eaten very occasionally.

    He was hauled over the coals by many ,who felt that his stance was both absurd and wrong.

    To give him credit he did post a reply, kind of retracting his stance.

    However YOU CANT UNRING A BELL, and both him and Michael Greger have done irreparable harm to many people by posting what I believe is BS.

  10. Cathy Johnston
    Cathy Johnston says:

    Thank you Dr. McDougall, for digging deep into the research and giving us the science behind the nutritional benefits of the humble potato – again! For my family, potatoes are affordable and easy to find in every grocery store. I appreciate you more than I can say. Your books are what opened my eyes to the importance of eating vegetables. I appreciate how much information you provide online without cost. You are a wonderful human being.

  11. Kindred Creative Corner
    Kindred Creative Corner says:

    I love the way Dr M has taken the high road here..doing more research and presenting facts…sans calling Dr G crazy or something worse. I am definitely surprised that Dr G picked one point out of something Dr M said and then went crazy on that one point…makes no sense. I do feel that there is room for both camps and you can embrace what works for you from Dr G and/or Dr M. I personally like both, however I don't feel good after eating potatoes so I don't eat potatoes. My starchy carb would be mainly beans..luv me some beans. I praise Dr M for doing this in a high class fashion, however he does not need to defend what he has defended 1000 times before. Like he said it is up to the accuser to prove their case.

  12. Tracy Current
    Tracy Current says:

    I love Dr McDougall. I eat a majority of potatoes. In fact my co-workers gave me a bag of potatoes for my birthday. Best present ever. I feel great. I just turned 54 and no meds. Very healthy. Lots of energy. Thank you for your work. Keep fighting it's worth it.

  13. Anne Herrod
    Anne Herrod says:

    Thank you, Dr. McDougall and Chef AJ.

    I’m sorry that I ever heard what Dr. Greger had to say. I had just finished a successful week of SS when i heard it. I had eaten white potatoes everyday for dinner and lost four pounds in that week. I felt so discouraged after hearing Dr. Greger. I can’t do only sweet potatoes long term. I’m jumping back on plan for the SS today and choosing to trust Dr. McDougall.

  14. Brooke Lopez
    Brooke Lopez says:

    Dr. McDougall I appreciate you clearing up all the misunderstood information. I respect Dr. Gregor and I look forward to see how he proves his findings. I really hope Dr. Gregor takes the time to explain. I get so tired of statements ppl make and have no evidence to prove their opinion. Everyone has a different opinion but very few have the facts! McDougall you make life simple! We love you for it! ❤️

  15. Linda S.
    Linda S. says:

    Legumes, particularly lentils, have a lower carbon footprint than potatoes AND are a billion times (hyperbole) more nutritious than white potatoes. Dr Greger is very concerned about the future of this planet.

  16. Linda S.
    Linda S. says:

    I know Dr. McDougall is well respected for his contribution to the wfpb community, and Dr. Greger has articulated his respect for him. But this is INCREDIBLY TANGENTIAL. I can't believe that he spent SO much time on the "blindness" thing and then went on about the sweet potato/ protein deficiency thing. The points Dr. Greger was making were that white potatoes are not the most nutritious food choice and that living solely on sweet potatoes, while more nutrient dense, would still leave you with other deficiencies.  

    Dr. Greger's response to Dr McDougall's assertion that you can live on an all potato diet was largely tongue in cheek. People survive on all kinds of diets. Inuits survive solely on animal products, and standard Americans survive for 70 or 80 years on their SAD little diets. The point of going WFPB is not to survive, it's to live a as long and healthy a life as we can by making the best choices available to us. And the point of Dr. Greger's webinar is that white potatoes are not the best choice, a "yellow light" food, as he would say. 

    I'm 51 minutes into this response and I'm still waiting for Dr. MacDougall to discuss the nutrient density of white potatoes in comparison to sweet potatoes or other wfpb choices. Now, at 53:20 he's talking about plant protein vs animal protein. Really?

  17. Food Eye Cue
    Food Eye Cue says:

    Dr Greger has been saying some very "off", disturbing things lately and it is quite concerning. I have been a follower of his for well over ten years, and I am quite surprised by the turn he took, especially on this subject. Very odd indeed.

  18. Ann Pearl
    Ann Pearl says:

    I would like to make comment about white & black… In physics world, white is reflection of all colors while black is absorption of all colors. Not white have all colors & black is absence of colors.

  19. Sandy Bayes
    Sandy Bayes says:

    Thank you AJ for giving Dr McDougall a platform on your channel. Right now I am becoming very disappointed with Dr. Greger since I honestly thought he was providing a service by documenting his health contentions with honest and reliable data. Now I am concerned about what Dr Greger is reporting to us.

  20. Susan Hashem
    Susan Hashem says:

    I really like Dr. Gregor…He's super curious and interested in information and the daily dozen is a great app. BUT, the over zealousness, the minutia…the things that can just overwhelm people and cause confusion. Dr. McDougal is so amazing because he's so passionate and he's TO THE POINT and it's SIMPLE information. I really appreciated this video @chefaj

  21. Julie Johnson
    Julie Johnson says:

    Excellent presentation!! Thank you so much! Covid pushed me into all kinds of medical issues. Dr's made me go crazy sending me from one to another; each one pushing needles, insulin suggests
    or colonoscopy suggestions. Thank God I found Dr McDougall and have now plans for the 10 day program. Following "the starch solution " has already made me feel so much better!

  22. Janet Wagner
    Janet Wagner says:

    Dr. McDougall is an expert in his field. He is spending excessive time refuting the opinion of another. He should rest on his laurels and not feel necessary to support his beliefs. Let the accuser spend his time supporting his opinion.

  23. Pamela Fornell Haugeland
    Pamela Fornell Haugeland says:

    Someone here asked about Europeans eating meat and staying thin. I grew up in the USA and moved to Norway as a teenager in the late 1970s. When I first came there were NO real fast food places and the grocery stores did not have much in the way of convenience foods. Potatoes were such a big part of the diet that they were eaten for dinner every day as boiled potatoes. You almost never saw an overweight person of any age. We now have everything that the SAD diet can offer and we have a growing weight and health problem.
    A friend of mine told me that her father – who grew up on a farm before and during WW2 – said that they only ate meat 2 times a year: in the fall when animals were slaughtered to take to market they ate the bits that were not considered good enough to sell (the other cuts of meat were too valuable to keep and had to be sold for the money they could earn). The second time was at Christmas as the dried lam ribs known here as pinnekjøtt (also not considered to be the valuable part of the animal and so were saved for Christmas dinner). They all worked hard and no one ever got sick.

  24. Leah Gonzales
    Leah Gonzales says:

    I met Dr. G and I have always admired, respected, & trusted his advice because I thought he had done his research & I was fully confident in his opinion because it was always based on scientific facts. I also, as well, have admired & respected Dr. M and his wife’s nutritional advice. I would love too see Dr. G & Dr. M debate this live and show with the scientific evidence that backs up their advice. I have mostly followed Dr. G in the past. I am now going to check into more of Dr. M’s research & watch more of his videos. My end goal is to lead the healthiest example for my grandchildren so we can have many healthy happy years together. They are my life and I want to teach them how to live a healthy & happy life to the fullest. Knowledge is power & we all have choices. Thank you Chef AJ for giving me the tools to make better nutritional decisions for a long healthy & happy life. Keep doing what you are doing. You have no idea of just how many people you have saved with your wonderful gift of sharing nutritional scientific medical knowledge. Much love & respect to you all. Please keep these amazing videos coming. Forever grateful to each & every one of you! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! 🥰😘🙏🏼😘🥰

  25. VegSource
    VegSource says:

    Great presentation, John. Very gentle wrecking of Greger. 😂 Greger used studies of 16 and 32 people in his video, paid for by food companies, and based his potato nutrition recommendations on this very weak commercial “science.”Since Greger has never personally treated a patient, he’s limited to speculation and theorizing. Garbage in, garbage out. 🤷‍♂️


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