Day 2 of realistic nutrition tips you can start today #shorts

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29 replies
  1. Marie Lou
    Marie Lou says:

    I really don't know how eggs can be healthy, a chickpea scramble would be much better. No cholesterol, lots of fiber, minerals, vitamins, low calorie. How are animal products still introduced as healthy? Animal products should be kept to a minimum, literally everyone agrees..

  2. Moisés Del Toro
    Moisés Del Toro says:

    The amount that arugula lowers blood sugar and carcinogens is completely off set by the eggs and the increase in cardiovascular desease due to the amount of colesterol. Overall I agree with the premise of the video and I think adding more fruits and veg to your diet overall is a good thing even when coupled with other not so good things.

  3. Fee Zar
    Fee Zar says:

    first of all never EVER mix cheese with eggs very important, especially if you’re dealing with eczema.Eggs only can be eaten with non starchy vegetable. with nothing else that’s it.

  4. HeyIt's_Cat
    HeyIt's_Cat says:

    I love carbs, and refuse to ever get rid of them.
    I really don't eat healthy, I don't like basically any veggies and we don't get fruit very often.
    But guys
    I ate a hand full of baby spinach today
    Just straight spinach
    And you know what? I actually liked it. It was tasty. Sooo I'm proud of myself for trying something new. I ate it with 2 slices of leftover pizza, then had a cinnamon roll bc I felt like it 😂 so we had a "balance" haha
    But I'm not gonna let myself feel bad for eating something, I'm eating that's enough to celebrate. I figure, even if it's not the best for me or it's a sweet, at least I'm eating something. I don't eat enough at all, and I don't allow myself to get full as it hurts. It feels like I'm always on the edge of an ED and it's horrifying, I don't eat barely anything for a week then get scared and eat anything for a week, flip flop flip flop, one extreme or the other (for lack of better term, like I said I don't let myself get full so it's not like a binge where I'm eating and eating and eating, I'm just trying desperately to get some calories in me)

  5. Karl
    Karl says:

    You can have carbs if you're insulin sensitive. Most people have some degree of insulin resistance so you can add all the egg and arugula you want – that bagel with spike your insulin and will store those carbs as subq fat.

  6. CanOfCaramelMelons
    CanOfCaramelMelons says:

    Hello 😀 sooooo I have a question. what's your opinion on spam? some people say it's fine, others say it's extremely unhealthy. I, however, could never give up spam musubi because I've been eating it my whole life lol.

  7. ferucha dam
    ferucha dam says:

    My diabetic nutritionist also done this! She asked what I loved to eat for the whole day before my treatment, and she tried to explain how to portion those for my treatments. Not exactly prohibiting me to eat those things, but to divide my meals into some kind of manageable nutritions for diabetics, and to let me have meals for about 4-5 times a day, snack breaks in between, BUT for a controlled amount of intakes of food that I love

  8. Rina Bobina
    Rina Bobina says:

    I JUST made pasta salad too!! It makes me not feel so bad ab eating pasta.

    Here's the recipe:
    Tri color pasta- 1 box
    Orange pepper- 1
    Yellow pepper- 1
    Red onion- half
    Cucumber- 1 sliced in quarters
    Cherry tomatoes- sliced in quarters
    Raw broccoli- ab 1.5 cups
    Supreme salad seasoning- season to taste
    Zesty italian dressing- 1
    Watever other veggies n meat u like (olives, mini pepperoni, mozzarella balls, bacon bits, etc)
    Mix together n let chill for 1 hr 😘🤌 (chef's kisses)


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