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weighloss,#keto,#lowcarb, 1004 DANGER LOOK AWAY IF YOU DON’T WANT TO SEE …

29 replies
  1. Priscilla Woodward
    Priscilla Woodward says:

    Ok Harry, you stole my saying about "cecum you shall find". I was an Endoscopy nurse for years, and the Cecum is the end point of knowing you have seen the entire colon. Sometimes not so easy to get there, so I would say "knock and it will be opened, cecum you will find". Lol, you were on the same thought process.

  2. René T.@ Rainy Day Rewind
    René T.@ Rainy Day Rewind says:

    Yay! Harry is polyp free! I hope his diverticulitis gets under control with Keto and he hopes to feel better. 🙏 I had my colonoscopy and endoscopy test in July. I had polyps removed too and found out I have colitis and lesions everywhere. I have to repeat my endoscopy in 3 months, but they will let me go 3 years until the next colonoscopy. I just turned 52. It's crazy that we don't know those polyps are growing and we put up with the pain and irritation of the other diagnosis. So happy you both are taking care of yourselves. I really like you two and care about your well-being. ❤️❤️🙏🙏😊👍

  3. Kimberly Kopsho
    Kimberly Kopsho says:

    Our son that is now 35 had to have his colon removed at 8yrs old due to a hereditary condition on his bio-mom's side. They were thankfully able to reconnect him🙌🏼🙌🏼 and he is doing well.
    Prayers all go well with Harry 🙏🏻

  4. Patty Lyman
    Patty Lyman says:

    I have one polyp at every colonoscopy. My Doc said if we live long enough we will diverticulitis. Just limit nuts etc. He will definitely know if it flares up. I'm sure Challis can tell him!!

  5. Cindy Partin
    Cindy Partin says:

    I has 3 polyps first time I went and they were cut out. The second time I had cluster of 4 and had to a have a colon resection. The worst part is the prep not the test. I encourage everyone to have them before the 50 year mark as my first was in my 40s. Good job Harry. Good luck on yours Wendy. I have to make my appointment today.

  6. Cyndi Manka
    Cyndi Manka says:

    I made some keto chow bombs yesterday but I didn’t use cream cheese. Mainly because I use it for other things very sparingly. Honestly I didn’t think it needed it but I bet it really amped up the flavor. Maybe next time I’ll add some cream cheese. Two sticks I used with chocolate peanut butter keto chow and two sticks are used with salted caramel and two squirts of Stevia salted caramel. I didn’t really want them very sweet because I’m not a sweet eater. They are perfect

  7. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    I’m glad Harry got that colonoscopy. I hope the results are non-cancerous! My mom had polyps that were removed. I haven’t had that done in a really long time. I need to get one done too. We are all lazy about those procedures.
    Good luck, Harry,. Get some sleep.

  8. Cyndi Manka
    Cyndi Manka says:

    I watched an old video last night. I loved the intro music. I had gone back when I found you last February and binged. I loved the intro. Your hair was awesome winter 2020.

  9. growingbadger
    growingbadger says:

    Oh Harry did that a few months ago,God bless you and best wishes with Phillip results.
    As to chocolate have you tried BELIEVE BAKER chocolate? May have typed that backwards. I tried it when Sam's had it as a limited special. Wal-Mart now has it. Many flavours they use Stevia and …the others are sweetener that my auto correct doesn't seem to want me to type..LOL
    Guys stay frosty and safe out on the road with Arvita…I see the news and pray for your safety often.


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