Curious Minds? Can You Dehydrate Canned Chicken? + Recipe

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YES! You can! And I’ll show you a couple of uses for it, too, besides storing it! Let me know if you have any questions on …

21 replies
  1. @paularaegram9965
    @paularaegram9965 says:

    Oh, GOSH! You just taught me, FINALLY, how to use my jar-lid opener! ROFL! Well-done. I KNEW there had to be a better way! Instant meals are awesome, and so much less costly than from the store. My sis bought me a meals in a jar book. LOVE that thing.

  2. @jans2565
    @jans2565 says:

    This was an interesting comparison. My first thought when you were getting the trays ready was I wonder if it can be powdered to use like bouillon seasoning. LOL Great information as always!!

  3. @karencaskey6210
    @karencaskey6210 says:

    This has definitely given me some great ideas for backpacking meals. I requested, and received, a dehydrator for Christmas and your channel has been so helpful! I've already done apples (both plain and cinnamon/sugar) and orange slices. Can't wait to try other things from my garden later this year! Thank you so much for all the videos you've done!


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