Crock Pot Crab Soup (Low Carb)

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Our Low Carb Crock Pot Crab Soup is a flavorful tomato based soup with tender crab, peppers and celery. Take this soup to the next level with our onion cream …

9 replies
  1. Therese Rivera
    Therese Rivera says:

    Not s fan of crab but probably in past had imitation crab(GROSS!)Made with fresh 8ozs lump crab & mixed up my own old bay seasoning without the hot pics– OH MY– SOOOOOOO YUMMY & cream cheese topping a must! Bj's has a $2 off coupon for the 16 oz fresh lump crab, do will make another batch to freeze for upcoming shoulder replacement surgery🙂😁 Thank you for your amazing low carb recipes! Wonder how it would be, if adding some fresh kale or baby spinach

  2. Kim Honeycutt
    Kim Honeycutt says:

    Cris, I would not normally have looked at a Crab soup recipe but because it's you, I had to watch. Funny how you can make me want to try something I would otherwise pass by! I love you guys and the Crock Posse!❤👍🔔


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