Criminals are setting up innocent-looking “car traps”. A woman got hospitalized.

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Commuting in our own car is becoming more dangerous everyday and thanks to social media, chilling footage is constantly …

27 replies
  1. Ray Mellon
    Ray Mellon says:

    I once came out of a Walmart and my lug nuts for one tire were sitting under my car. Fortunately I looked around for someone I knew that could watch my back while I put them back on.

  2. Amber Lightrunner
    Amber Lightrunner says:

    I live in a city that I-80 runs through. One night on my way home from my fiancé's house. It was very late, so there weren't many cars on the country road I was taking to get onto the interstate. But after I passed one on the side of the road, it started to follow me, increasing speed more and more. I missed my turn for the interstate, and was approaching 100mph. I think they were trying to get me to pull over. I knew i was coming up on a small town, so i started honking, heading towards where I knew the fire station was. When i did this, they slowed way down and pulled a U-turn. I pulled into the firestatipn and called the cops and reported it.

    I80 is a trafficking hotspot. Be smart when you drive.

  3. Stand Alone Complex
    Stand Alone Complex says:

    People. This is why you should have your location shared woth multiple people. I have my iphone, and snapchat app, locations turned on and dhared with my family and partner. We also have multiple airtags laid in our cars, wallets, and phones just to br triple safe. I also invested in a dash cam shrround system for my car. Its not expensive and can help save your life in manh different ways.

  4. Diggory Pat
    Diggory Pat says:

    Even though cash or shirts on your car may not mean human trafficking but it keep people aware of their surroundings. She said human trafficking is mainly by people you know? What about people just grabbing kids and women and driving away with them. No one really knows unless you have been through it yourself

  5. Ulrike Zachmann
    Ulrike Zachmann says:

    Just use common sense. Women usually have good intuition. Beware of everything and everyone around you when you go out and are vulnerable. Ignore BS and just get in your car and leave and deal with anything unusual once you get home. No one would ever put a real $100 bill under your wind screen wiper. Just think about it for a few seconds. As for tags it could be morons trying to scare you. Just leave them and cut them off when you get home. Stalkers are everywhere and like to leave little mementos. Most are childish but if worried the Police won’t care either. That is the problem. Just take extra caution in what you do. And keep doors and windows locked if you are not in that room or part of house and awake. That is the reality. Don’t trust anyone.

  6. Diane Kruger
    Diane Kruger says:

    About 26 years ago, I had my license plate stolen. Funny thing is, it was expired by a day or2. Day I found out, was on my way to bank to get cash to renew tags on it. Got stopped on highway, no ticket issued when I said would take care of it next day. DLB was closed by then.

    Car was parked at Detroit airport for a week, while on vacation. I would think if missing thwn, would have seen when Puting our luggage in trunk. Plus 2 cop cars passed us coming home from airport.

    I think it was stolen first night back at work. PlaTe wasn't rusted, so didn't just fall off. Plus bolts holding it on were missing.

  7. C Ch
    C Ch says:

    I will never understand women who get spooked by creeps and then drive straight home. 🙄🤭 Scary story channels are filled with internet retellings: "The guy in the store was super creepy but I let it go but then noticed he was following my car so I drove home. I saw my husband/dad/family wasn't home so I ran inside really quick." I mean come ON.

  8. Jesus Saucedo
    Jesus Saucedo says:

    I dont buy any of the "this isnt real" BS. Because if you are wrong, then what happens? Nothing. And if youre right???? What happens? Nothing. Which you want. F yall if you gonna tell people "this isnt how it works" let people be careful anyway! What do YOU lose from people being cautious??? This smells like certain people wanting people to not be careful and leave themselves vulnerable, like the girl near the end says. The whole thing with citing sources and looking at police reports because nothing like that has happened officially is also bs cuz, if you can think of a missing persons, I want you to tell me what method was used to make that person go missing. You cant tell me, you can only speculate, so there is something that could never have a statistic for. If this isn't real, then what probablem do you have with it??? Fkn WEIRD.

  9. BarbH
    BarbH says:

    It's like the blind men and the elephant. They all think it's only shaped like the part they touched, but they can't see the entire elephant. Better safe than sorry.

  10. Jesus Saucedo
    Jesus Saucedo says:

    If they're gonna poison napkins or whatever that u have to touch, that means they will start poisoning handles themselves, so now, make sure you always have gloves or long sleeves every time you take note than 5 minutes going somewhere away from your car to be able to open your car safely.

  11. Yoly Rom
    Yoly Rom says:

    I wouldn’t listen to those ticktock deniers. There are plenty desperate people out there who would do anything for money. Trust your instincts and always check your surroundings please!


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