Creamy Chicken with Garlic and Parmesan Cheese and instant pot rice Pilaf

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This creamy chicken with garlic and Parmesan cheese and instant pot rice Pilaf is a quick and easy dinner that you’ll love!

15 replies
  1. PeaceBstill
    PeaceBstill says:

    Looks great!!! Whenever my gravy is too liquid i take a heap Tbsp of cornstarch or arrowroot with a (room temp or cold) little bit of water, broth, or cream and make a slurry. Pour it in the pan and mix it. It will thicken up whatever you are trying to thicken. (I have to do that a lot) 😂 This does look so delicious!

  2. Monna Nugent
    Monna Nugent says:

    I haven't ever made anything like this but, I am anxious to try it. I always use my instant pot for rice since I wore out my rice cooker. (I loved that thing). But it's never been anything other than chicken and rice or chicken flavored rice with the chicken stock. I will have to try putting veggies in there and see what happens. Thanks for sharing the recipe.


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