Cozy Shabbat Prep | Q & A How the War in Israel is Affecting us as Orthodox Jews, Arranged Marriage

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Here is our Cozy Shabbat Prep ❤️❤️❤️ including all meals for shabbat I also added the much anticipated part 2 of our Q & A …

21 replies
  1. frum it up
    frum it up says:

    ❤ ❤❤ Here is our Cozy Shabbat Prep ❤❤❤ including all meals fr shabbat
    I also added the much anticipated part 2 of our Q & A including questions about How the War in Israel is Affecting us as Orthodox Jews, Arranged Marriage and so many other of your questions

    I hope you enjoy it!

    Before you watch another video, please Do SUBSCRIBE to the channel:

    and follow us on :
    INSTAGRAM : frumitup
    FACEBOOK: frumit UP.

    You can reach me for collaboration by emailing me at or reaching me on IG
    or via Frum it Up / Sara Malka
    PO box 66535
    CSL CP Cavendish Mall
    Quebec, Canada
    H4W 3J6

    Until next time, stay safe, stay blessed and don't forget to frum it up!

    ❤ Sara Malka❤


    00:00 intro Cozy Shabbat Prep
    1:30 Setting a Cozy mood
    4:30 Shabbat salads
    8:00 Shabbat Dessert : fudge cake
    9:00 War in Israel for us Orthodox Jews
    10:30 Moroccan Fish
    13:30 Shabbat Meat : Kosher Roast
    16:00 Dafina Cholent
    18:30 Shabbat Table
    20:45 Shabat Shalom

    🎤 MUSIC🎤


    Moroccan Fish

    3tbsp olive oil
    1 small onion
    4 cloves of garlic
    1 rep bell pepper and or an orange bell pepper ( you can add green pepper for the colour pop!) if you use many colours, do a 1/3 of each but of course, add more if you want!
    1tbsp tomato paste ( don’t forget to store the rest of the tomato paste as I showed you!)
    1 sliced lemon
    Olive to taste
    1tbsp paprika
    1/2 tbsp coriander
    1-2 tsp of honey
    Salt-pepper to taste
    6-8 fish filets we love salmon but cod, Haddock, bass, Merlan or any “thick/fat” fish will do too!
    You can also add some cayenne or jalapeño peppers for a bit of heat!
    Tie together 2 thin filets of salmon with a butcher twine stuff the middle with thinly sliced bell peppers and fake crab sticks
    cook covered in sauce for 10 minutes on medium heat

    Cook Moroccan Beets salad:
    8 medium-size beets, tops removed and scrubbed
    1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
    1/2 cup good olive oil
    2 teaspoons Dijon mustard, such as Grey Poupon
    Kosher salt and
    freshly ground black pepper

    cooked Moroccan Salad:
    use 6-10 carrots
    put them in a steaming basket with about 2 cups of water at the bottom of your pan, let it boil for about 6-8 minutes until for tender

    same dressing as beets salad but add 2tsp of sugar and 1tsp of cumin

    Garlic Vegan spread
    as many cloves of garlic
    cover with olive oil
    cook for 30 minutes until fork tender
    you can add the spices out want or leave it plain with just salt
    I like ti use herbes de provence/ thyme or hot pepper!

    once cooked, take out the garlic then emulsify the garlic with an immersion blender or food processor ( like nutri bullet)

    Cooked TOmato salad or Tchouktchouka
    2 cans of diced tomatoes
    cook on medium heat until almost evaporated
    when the liquid is almost 80% evaporated
    then add 1/3 cup of olive oil
    1tbsp of honey
    salt to taste
    add hot spices to taste

    in the pressure cooker cook for 1h

    Mashed potatoes:
    4 pounds potatoes russet or Yukon gold
    3 cloves garlic optional
    ⅓ cup margarine or vegan butter
    1 cup vegan milk or cream
    salt to taste
    pepper to taste

    DAfina or Cholent

    one bone in beef shank or 5 upper thighs with bone ( as many thighs as there are participant) 4 medium carrots
    4 large potatoes cubed
    1 onion quartered a full head of garlic or 2tsp garlic powder1 can of chickpeas
    1 cup wheat kernels5 eggs ( as many eggs as participant) 3 Tbsp sweet paprika2 tbsp tomato paste
    2tbsp cumin
    1tbsp turmeric
    2 dates or 2 tbsp of date syrup2 Tbsp honey2-3 tsp Salt

    follow the instructions on the box 🙂


    Thank you for being here and have clicked on this video ! It means so much to me!

    Being a religious Orthodox Jewish woman with small children while working full-time as a healthcare professional with no outside help! I share with you tips tricks, shortcuts , DIY, hacks,.. videos to help you celebrate shabbat/holidays, to better understands what are the pillars of Judaism, to discover many mysteries enclosed in the Torah as well as to see that it is possible to balance a family life, a career and the perceived challenges of being a religious jew at the same time without feeling lost nor overwhelmed "most of the time" LOL!

    I post videos every week. Let's frum it up!

    Stay safe and blessed 🙂

    Sara Malka 🙂

    Follow me on
    INSTAGRAM : frumitup
    FACEBOOK: frumitup

    To connect with me for more resources, information and collaboration please do write me at frumitup on instagram

    Since you are HERE, you want more content about the JEWISH life I AM SURE!! SO these videos will interest you:

    💡HOW TO PREPARE FOR SHABBAT on Friday before and after work 💡

    🐟KOSHER MEAL PREP FOR THE WEEK 5 full meals! 🐟


  2. Diana Burch
    Diana Burch says:

    You know, it might feel silly but I think mashed potatoes is one of the dishes that have the most variation of the dishes you prepared! Whipped or not, skins on or not, and I’ve had them made with and without black pepper, with mayo and butter, just butter, butter and bit of cream cheese….and in our house we make them with olive oil and chicken stock. So I’m actually really curious how you make yours!

  3. Sarah Norris
    Sarah Norris says:

    I love to spend time with you❤️. My heart is breaking right now for Israel and all the Jewish people around the world. I will keep your family members living in Israel and serving in the IDF in my prayers!

  4. Sarah Booth
    Sarah Booth says:

    Thank you so much for this video!
    I have now learnt what to do with garlic and onions, it will definitely make cooking easier.💯

    Out of sheer curiosity I would love to know how you make your mash potatoes. Every one has a different way of doing them and yours looks extra creamy and delicious.🤤 (It's definitely not an insult to show us the recipe😊)

    Also can you please tell me why crab is not considered kosher?

    Finally, and most importantly, my heart goes out to you and your family at this difficult time with the war in Israel. My family and I pray for Israel every day and ask for God's deliverance for the Jewish people. No one should feel that they can't go out at night or have to have guards so they can go to school just because of their faith and national identity.😢 Sending you all much love from my family to yours. ❤❤❤

    Numbers 6 vs 24 to 26 – The Aaronic Blessing 💖💖💖

  5. Judy Kessler
    Judy Kessler says:

    Dear Sara Malkah, it is so comforting to watch your Cozy Shabbat Video. Besides marveling at your expert preparation in cooking the delicious food, I really appreciate how you described how the war in Israel/Gaza is affecting you. We are also feeling deeply worried and affected, thinking about friends in Israel, their grown children in the IDF, and the growing anti-Semitism in the USA and other countries . On the other hand, we feel more connected to other Jews locally and around the world, and are so appreciative of the non-Jews who show support for Israel. Am Yisrael Chi!


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