Costco Shopping With My Toddler #shorts

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Rose and I went shopping at Costco #shorts.

42 replies
  1. Linda Williams
    Linda Williams says:

    This child is on her way to being a successful woman all ready. That's the kinda stuff I like to see. Teaching them life skills ahead of time because the world is not gonna love your babies the way u do. Take Care. I LOVE 💘 this. REALLY

  2. Rose Baradhi
    Rose Baradhi says:

    Hi Bobby, I have a background in chemistry and work exp in the food and flavor industry, so with my hands on experience ive always been wary what to buy etc. After using your app I feel even more deceived by these comapnies. Thank you for making a positive impact on humanity. Thank you for the app 💕 bless you and your family!

  3. MrMcDikkins
    MrMcDikkins says:

    Organic means nothing guys. “Only 12 grams of added sugar” only?! MF that’s like 3 teaspoons of sugar. People don’t really get how much that is. It doesn’t sound like much compared to soda, but losing a limb doesn’t sound that bad when you compare it to death either. If you want sugar eat a pineapple 🍍

  4. Potatocakes
    Potatocakes says:

    I knew kids that had parents like theirs, fentanyl ods pretty fast. I will be watching on the news. They even said “I hate my parents, and I can’t get out of it.”

  5. Mia W
    Mia W says:

    Skim milk is highly processed and unhealthy, even if it's organic. Americans need to stop processing all the fat out of their dairy; reduced-fat milk is bad for you. So while the fudge bars have less sugar, they're not exactly healthy.


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