Cost of Food in Russia – Let's visit my local supermarket!

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Privet! This video I’ll share what’s the food cost in Russia and show what I usually get for myself. I am going to explain the average wages in the city I live, and …

24 replies
  1. James C
    James C says:

    Ну… В зависимости от того, где ты покупаешь молоко стоит с .88 до 5.99 доллеров. Например в Валмарте, молоко стоит .88 за галлона (3,8Л), а в продуктом магазине – 3.99! сумасшедший, да? Также, органическое молоко – 5.99 за ,5л!

  2. Ryl Llagas
    Ryl Llagas says:

    Here in the Philippines, the milk prices vary depending on where you buy them (24 hour convinience stores and high end supermarkets have it at a more expensivr price while big supermarkets and local stotes have it at a lesser price due to bulk buying, transportation cost, tax, etc.). For a 1 liter milk, the price ranges from about $2.17 – $2.77, the brands also affect the price. Different brands, get different prince ranges.

  3. Jennifer Love
    Jennifer Love says:

    The milk I purchase is $6.99US for a little less than 2 liters (1/2 gallon.) It comes in a glass bottle and we have to pay a $2 deposit on the bottle that is returnable if we bring back the bottle. It’s very good milk. Locally produced just 20 miles away and has a layer of cream on top to keep if fresh during transport.

  4. stm rn
    stm rn says:

    3.50-4.50 per gallon for milk in Texas. I guessed 10 dollars. Prices are much cheaper there for most staples like rice and oils it seems. After watching other videos, I think produce and meat is close to the same.

  5. B H
    B H says:

    Thank you and really enjoyed this video! I don't normally buy milk, but where I am i the US, it's about $2.50 USD/gal. Anyway, really love your content and appreciate it.

  6. Private Email
    Private Email says:

    I saw a video on here where a guy interviewed older people about their life in the USSR vs modern russia, he asked them what they preferred and one of the ladies mentioned how Caviar used to be "in every Soviet dinner table" but how now it is almost exclusively for the wealthy. Very interesting to see you mention how expensive caviar is. Another lady in that video said "in the USSR we all had money, but there was nothing to buy, now, there's everything to buy but we don't have any money"

  7. Whammytap
    Whammytap says:

    Честно, я не знаю сколько стоит молоко в штате Канзаса, потому что мы с мужем не пьём молоко. Если молоко нужно для рецепта, то я использую…сухое молоко? Молочный порошок? Но мы добавим в кофе half-and-half (половина с половиной?) Это равные части молока и сливок. Кварта, то есть, около одного литра этого молочного продукта стоит от $1.60 до $3. Но у нас сейчас бывает нехватка, и half-and-half – один из товаров, который трудно найти.

  8. Joan Wisnowski
    Joan Wisnowski says:

    My favorite milk costs $5.99 US for 1/2 gallon (64 ounces). It's expensive, I know, but I think it tastes the best. I'm not supposed to drink whole (more milk fat) milk any longer for health reasons, but I like it in my coffee. The milk I like is grass-fed, organic milk. (I think that means the cows are out in the pasture eating grass as opposed to being kept in a barn all the time.) I'm in Seattle. We have a lot of dairy farmers here.


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