Cooking On A Budget, Offering on A Budget: Let's Talk Food

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It’s no secret in my discord server that I post a ton of food modeling its Sunday best. What surprises most people is that I also spend less than most folks do …

9 replies
  1. Jujube Hexx
    Jujube Hexx says:

    hello would like to some of those suggestions but for my situation my husband is not a veggy lover he will eat carrots, potatoes and apples but only if they are raw if they are cooked (he will eat cooked potatoes he loves mashed taters) he will not eat it as well as pasta makes him puke its the texture it bothers him. Seafood also makes both of us sick as well. How would you all deal with this I want to save money but want to eat abit healthier as well but not sure how in this situation. Almost forgot to mention I'm lactose intolerant.

  2. David Lester
    David Lester says:

    Some tips, if you'll indulge me.

    1. Don't be afraid of a hot pan when sauteing animal proteins. If you have a decent-sized pan and can put in three or more portions that is going to cool the pan down once you put them in. Once you flip the portions tilt the pan and begin spooning the oil (or butter if that's what you're using) on top of the portions. That's called basting and it will help cook the meat through and keep it more juicy. Add an unpeeled clove of garlic and whatever herbs to the oil to amp up the flavor.

    2. If you can spring for it (models range from 13-25 USD avge) a kitchen thermometer is amazing. You don't have to use it for meat. It can be used for temperature checking water for yeast blooming, or for checking oil temp for deep-frying. Helps keep things from overcooking.

    3. Learning how to check produce at the store to see how good it is will help avoid surprise spoilage. An apple that has soft spots in it when you squeeze it is not a good apple by in-large, and a bendy carrot is usually not a long-lasting carrot.

    4. If you eat sausages, find the ones with the lowest amounts of nitrates and other crap that you'll find in a lot of US brands, and if they come in the casing… TAKE IT OUT OF THE CASING. You'll be able to properly saute it and do more with it.

    5. Pasta water is your best friend for making pasta sauces. It can save a broken sauce. Just mix and toss the pasta until it comes back together. Caciao e Pepe is just Pecorino Romano/Parmesan Cheese, a long noodle of your choice, and pasta water. It's not as effective with whole-grain pastas because of the lower starch content, but still helpful.

    6. Finally, a microplane is great for zesting citrus or grating garlic, ginger, and nutmeg. If you want lime zest in rice then a microplane is a must because it will help you save money in the long run by keeping you from buying jarred stuff that is more expensive and less fresh.

  3. Kyladescope
    Kyladescope says:

    Fantastic stream, I learned a lot and got a lot of notes (Didn't expect you to just start dropping a fried rice recipe like that right after I posted that I'd been meaning to make it, but thanks)


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