Cook with Me | Freezer Clean out/Pantry Challenge | Large Family Budget Dinners

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35 replies
  1. David and Dawn W
    David and Dawn W says:

    My daughter still has her room in our house and she’s 29 and married . We don’t need to turn it into another room and the whole time she was in college and grad school she always had her things and her room. It is still “home” to her when she visits and we use her room for guests. So it works for us to just leave her things for her.

  2. Anna Wiest
    Anna Wiest says:

    I love when you do videos with backwards meal planning like you did today. When I moved out 10 plus years ago, my mom kept my room as is until I officially moved into my first apartment a few years into working at my first job as a professional. Then, she started giving me boxes of my stuff.

  3. Ann Snider
    Ann Snider says:

    We keep our kids’ rooms as is because college doesn’t mean they are gone. I want the kids to still have a safe space to come home to do their room stays as is until I’m pretty sure they are out.

  4. Loni Ivanovskis
    Loni Ivanovskis says:

    I waited until kid moved out and got his own place before I fiddled with his room. Now that he has his own "home" he no longer needs mine; but we kept it during college so he would have that home feeling when he needed it (he moved out 7 months after graduation.)

  5. Ann M
    Ann M says:

    While in college, we left their room alone. They would come home on breaks, especially first two years. Live/work during summer at home because dorms would be closed. When they got apartment or shared a house visits less frequent (they ease You into that!). Now I have a very nice craft room🙂

  6. Diane Stenglein
    Diane Stenglein says:

    Man, I wish I could stock up on more! Sure, I love living in a big city, but the tiny fridge/freezer sitch is an issue. We recently got a utility shelf for our apartment, so I can stock up on pantry items, so I'm getting a system in place.

  7. Greatauntlizbeth G
    Greatauntlizbeth G says:

    Yes. I eat a lot less meat now, and have moved closer to a store so dropping a half an hour before close to find the mark downs, I am finding some meat 1/3 to 1/2 off faster 5han I am using it. Also the last day before multiple closed days like Christmas or Easter, so much stuff

  8. okbookgirl
    okbookgirl says:

    Until she is formally moved out (not living in student housing and still spending summers and breaks back home) their room should stay their room. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t shuffle kids but honestly nothing says ‘home’ isn’t really your home than your parents repurposing their room. Kids will eventually get a real apartment, start staying there instead of coming home because of work, or social opportunities, or just because they prefer their own space. THEN you could sit them down and discuss the fact that they no longer need their own room at mom and dads.

  9. cheryl delacruz
    cheryl delacruz says:

    I also use the upside down. I love it and what I do is when I get ready to run errands I open up the upside app and look at what gas station has the best price in the direction I'm headed already.

  10. Karolyn Foreman
    Karolyn Foreman says:

    Hi from Melbourne Australia..we are lucky here we really don't need to worry about stockpiling..yes, we buy items e.g. cleaning products when half price, however, we really don't worry about products as we have great fresh veg and fruit and meat ..we freeze meat, however, ponder and wonder your people must be doing it so very hard..I do feel so lucky in Australia..and born in New Zealand..good luck..come down under to the lucky country..

  11. Kat V
    Kat V says:

    I would keep Hailey's room as hers while she's studying and coming home at vacation time. But you could also ask Hailey to consider if/how her brothers could use her room while she's away. (Many young adults I know can't afford to more out until they're close to 30.)
    Perhaps one of the boys could sleep in her room on the weekend so the boys can have separate spaces on the weekend – if they want to do that. Or you could use it as a guest room while she's away. Maybe have a nephew or cousin visit the boys and sleep there.

  12. Candace Little
    Candace Little says:

    We had to move kids around when my oldest left for college… but as time has passed she 21 still comes home very often and my twins 20 have both moved out.. so we now have a semi guest/storage room. Still have 2 at home full time.

  13. Marian Alvarado
    Marian Alvarado says:

    You are amazing! I really need to clean out my freezer and do this! We were empty nesters, and it was great to have a guest room, and I sometimes worked on my photo albums in that room. But then our son moved back, you never know when that might happen!


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