Condensed milk and browned butter brownies

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36 replies
  1. Adam Ragusea
    Adam Ragusea says:

    Hey all, I gave the wrong weight for the flour in the vid. 3/4 cup = 90g, not 160g. I confused it with the sugar (which is heavier) when doing my math. The recipe in the description is corrected!

  2. TopHat Duck
    TopHat Duck says:

    Quick question, hypothetically
    If I wanted to sub the molasses with a mixture of powdered sugar and brow sugar, what's the ratio I should add in? Is there a universal ratio for brown sugar as a sub for molasses?

  3. Night_Rose_94
    Night_Rose_94 says:

    I made these last weekend and they were both amazing! I prefer the cakey over the chewy, but my mother likes the chewy more. I love that the recipe is basicly the same. I was on a mission for the best brownie recipe and i have to say, this one is the best i have ever made. I made countless over the last month. So congratulations for being the winner! And thank you very much for the recipe! It's a godly one.❤

  4. Tom Mart
    Tom Mart says:

    I came across your videos recently, and I'm now binge watching your channel. This video came up as my wife and I were prepping the dinner, and she said, "You know we have a can of condensed milk in the cupboard?". She didn't have to say more. I opted out for the fluffy version but had to improvise a bit with some of the ingredients. I had no vanilla in any form, but I had almond essence, so I added a drop of that instead. It gave the cake a cherry like aroma. I'm definitely adding frozen cherries next time. Oh, and I forgot to add salt, so I sprinkled it on top, I think you would like the effect 😉

  5. Lieutenant_Arrow
    Lieutenant_Arrow says:

    my experience really shows that every oven is diffrent, I made these, and the top got burnt to a crisp and when I touched it, it shattterd. (Not litteary), and the inside was still a liquid, but I did have really nice flavor

  6. Julien Del Rosario
    Julien Del Rosario says:

    Finally made this recipe but used brown sugar instead of powdered sugar and molasses since I had neither at-hand when I spontaneously decided "I want to make some brownies" in a cast iron skillet.

    And, man, this is quite possibly the best brownies Ive made to date; would recommend.

  7. Shyla Jensen
    Shyla Jensen says:

    It's absolutely phenomenal. I had baked so many batches of brownies trying to find the CHEWIEST recipe. These are IT. They were very thin, everyone who ate them said they tasted just like cosmic brownies. A little too thin for my liking, but I hate cakey brownies. I ended up doubling the recipe and keeping it in a 9 inch square pan, baked for 45 mins. Beautiful!!! Thick gorgeous fudge brownies but the chewiest fudge brownies EVER!!!!! Thanks!

  8. The Frenetic
    The Frenetic says:

    Made the thin chewy version on a whim, don't think I truly browned the butter but it was still a really delicious brownie! Very choclatey, even without adding in more chocolate chips. For my oven, it ended up taking exactly 30 minutes to get that slightly fudgy, more chewy point in Adam's video.

    Next time I make it I'll try being a bit less shy with browning the butter, and add some flaky salt on top like some other commenters have said.

  9. Beccuh14
    Beccuh14 says:

    My 4 year old and I watch your videos every night before she goes to sleep. Neither of us are cooks 😅 but learning. Any ideas on an egg substitute? She's allergic.


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