Cold Brew Coffee…with an INSTANT POT!?!?

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What if we told you there was a way to make cold brew WITHOUT a long steep time? We checked out a method we found for …

8 replies
  1. Rob Odd
    Rob Odd says:

    I've looked around and you're the only video I could find doing this. I can't understand why this is not more popular method? I tried it out….. Just testing and used my normal amounts or coffee to water ration (my coffee maker is 4 scoops coffee to 6c water) and I was amazed. So smooth, rich and strong (I drink it hot and right from pot). Almost like espresso. My next trial I'm going to try using just whole bean and water, see if it works, see if pressure will draw out coffee directly from the bean. Anyways thanks for video and this method should be raving with the instant pot crowd.

  2. Michelle Wilcox
    Michelle Wilcox says:

    I'm new to the Instant Pot world, and finally got around to trying this! It yielded me a bold brew – bordering on bitter – but not bad! I look forward to experimenting over time with this method. Variables to explore: type of coffee, grind of coffee, and steep time. Thanks for making this video!

  3. Michelle Wilcox
    Michelle Wilcox says:

    To be accurate, this takes WAY more than 5 minutes, right?
    When I set my IP to steam for 5 minutes, the water has to heat to a steam, THEN steam for 5, THEN cool down, to open the lid.
    This method uses a lot of water, and that would take a lot of time to heat up and cool down.
    What would you estimate is the TOTAL time from start to finish?


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