COFFEE CREAMER No-bake Cheesecake? – South African Cremora Tart 🇿🇦

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A Cremora Tart hails from South Africa and is made with a powdered milk creamer along with condensed milk and lemon juice. That combination of ingredients …

27 replies
  1. Rouaan Jewaskiewitz
    Rouaan Jewaskiewitz says:

    Pineapple cream cheese tart

    1 blik kondensmelk (tin condensed milk)
    125ml suurlemoensap (lemon or lime juice)
    1 houer room (cream)
    1 houer roomkaas (cream cheese) 250g SMOOTH
    1 blikkie crushed pynappel (tin crushed pineapple ) DRAINED 125g
    1 pakkie tennisbeskuitjies (tennis biscuits)

    Klits kondensmelk en suurlemoensap saam en sit een kant (mix condensed milk and lemon juice till thick)
    Klits room styf en klits roomkaas in (beat cream to stiff peaks in seperate bowl,beat cream cheese till smooth in seperate bowl,now mix the two together,don't over mix)
    Klits kondensmelkmengsel by roommengesel in (beat condensed milk mix in with cream mixture)
    Voeg pynappel room en kondensmelkmengsel en klits (add pineapple drained into mixture and stir thru with spatula)
    Gooi in bak waar tennisbeskuitjies gepak is (place mixture on top of layer of tennis biscuits that is packed in a pyrex bowl)
    Crumble a few biscuit over the tart and refrigerate till set.

  2. My2Deities
    My2Deities says:

    A question for you Emmy, is it essential to use lemon or lime juice? I am wondering if I can use apple juice because I have a can of apple and cinnamon condensed milk and would love to make this apple flavored with cinnamon graham cookie crust. Any thoughts?

  3. Rouaan Jewaskiewitz
    Rouaan Jewaskiewitz says:

    That is our south african best dessert,and that coffee mate is exactly the same as cremora,it is just called cremora here,you can also make that same tart,with drained crushed pineapple mixed in,and cherries.

  4. Sublimnal Phish
    Sublimnal Phish says:

    What would you use if you hated the lemon in that tart? I love cheese cake but not with lemon. I understand the fact it thickens with the milk turning into a sour cream kind of mixture when sets. Cream of tarter?

  5. Yaria Samavan Carlan
    Yaria Samavan Carlan says:

    It isn't non-dairy. Only the creamer and the lemon are non-dairy (maybe the biscuits as well). Condensed milk is dairy, so if someone is lactose intolerant, this isn't for them.

    You created a type of cream cheese by adding condensed milk and the lemon little by little.

    If you add an acid to milk it creates curds. You broke the curds down during the wisking, which created the creaminess. That is how cream cheese is made, just with less acid, which is why it resemble a cheesecake but with more lemon flavor. A lemon cheesecake so to speak.

    With that said, I'm trying it.


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