Claire Saffitz Makes Chocolate Yule Log Cake (Bûche De Noël) | Dessert Person

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A big thank you to today’s sponsor, Kerrygold! Kerrygold has been my go-to butter for all my baking needs—it adds such a rich …

43 replies
  1. @sylvanaire
    @sylvanaire says:

    Ok. I had some vague idea that I’d like to make a Yule Log this season but you cured me of that, lol. There’s no way I’d go to all that trouble just for myself! Thanks for saving me from a holiday disaster! 😅

  2. @calicliche
    @calicliche says:

    Started making this (the sponge is done and cooled overnight because things are busy). I'm trying to make this ahead since I have family staying with me starting next week. Question: with the whipped cream filling, could this be frozen? Or should I use another filling so that I can continue making this ahead for Christmas dessert?

  3. @minibotbot
    @minibotbot says:

    buche de Noël are also very common in Quebec for christmas! Used to have one every year after christmas dinner when my mamie was still alive and we celebrated christmas with her 🙂

  4. @LeonBlade
    @LeonBlade says:

    I actually love Kerrygold. I found them a few months ago in the store when trying to find some really nice butter and not the generic store brand cheap stuff for toast. They have spreadable butter as well which comes in natural or with oil. I was surprised just how good this butter is. If you're used to just getting normal store bought butter from like Walmart or something, it's shocking just how rich and flavorful this butter is. Highly recommend, and I'm glad to see them sponsor you!

  5. @miseentrope
    @miseentrope says:

    RE: meringue mushrooms. Instead of cocoa powder, would it be possible to use dehydrated raspberry or strawberry powder? Just curious if it would bleed. But if it works it'd look and taste fantastic, right?

  6. @danbev8542
    @danbev8542 says:

    Another fabulous Claire vid! I loved the dots on the mushrooms! Claire always takes her classics to new levels! I’m considering making 2 of these – I need a gluten free desert for a party. Thinking of making a half-sized GF version and a full-sized one. I think the only gluten in the whole desert is the flour in the cake. I’ll sub King Arthur GF flour mix for the small cake. Wish me luck! The person I’m making it for actually has celiac disease, (not the GF fad people) so I will scrub my work area carefully and keep all utensils separate as well. Even a utensil rubbing against a gluten food can affect people with celiac.

  7. @TheBereangirl
    @TheBereangirl says:

    This was my beautiful mother's FAVORITE💕 dessert to make for the holidays. To be honest, these days, I hate Christmas, I have my reasons; go ahead and judge me…I don't care.☺️ BUT– I love Jesus, my mother, chocolate cake, and I love Claire…so all in all…this was a wonderful episode, thank you Claire 🥹🥲♥️.

  8. @GuyL44
    @GuyL44 says:

    Hey Claire! I know this is too far into the season, but I'd love to see you walk us through the process of making Panettone someday. I remember you talked about it a couple times before, and it would be super interesting (and fun!) to see. Happy holidays!


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