CHRISTMAS RECIPE: Honey Glazed Ham With Pear & Saffron Chutney

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A classic recipe paired with a delicious chutney. Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course – Subscribe …

22 replies
  1. @MrMikkyn
    @MrMikkyn says:


    Serves 8–10
    3kg unsmoked boneless gammon joint
    4 medium carrots, peeled and roughly chopped
    1 leek, cleaned and roughly chopped
    1 onion, peeled and roughly chopped
    1 tsp black peppercorns, lightly crushed
    1 tsp coriander seeds, lightly crushed
    1 cinnamon stick, broken in half
    3 bay leaves
    Handful of cloves
    For the honey glaze:
    100g demerara sugar
    50ml Madeira
    25ml sherry vinegar
    125g honey

    Put the gammon into a large saucepan and pour on enough cold water to cover. Add the carrots, leek, onion, peppercorns, coriander seeds, cinnamon stick and bay leaves. Bring to the boil, turn down to a simmer and cook for 3 hours, topping up with more boiling water if necessary. Skim off the froth and any impurities that rise to the surface from time to time. If cooking in advance, leave the ham to cool in the stock overnight. Otherwise, allow it to cool a little, then remove from the pan. Strain the stock (and save for soups, sauces, etc.).
    To make the glaze, put the sugar, Madeira, sherry vinegar and honey into a pan and stir over a low heat. Bring to the boil, lower the heat and simmer for 3–4 minutes, until you have a glossy dark syrup. Do not leave unattended, as it can easily boil over.
    Preheat the oven to 190°C/Gas 5. Lift the ham onto a board. Snip and remove the string and then cut away the skin from the ham, leaving behind an even layer of fat. Lightly score the fat all over in a criss-cross, diamond pattern, taking care not to cut into the meat. Stud the centre of each diamond with a clove.
    Put the ham into a roasting tin and pour half of the glaze over the surface. Roast for 15 minutes.
    Pour on the rest of the glaze and return to the oven for another 25–35 minutes until the ham is golden brown, basting with the pan juices frequently. It also helps to turn the pan as you baste to ensure that the joint colours evenly.
    Remove from the oven and leave to rest for 15 minutes before carving and serving with the accompaniments.

    Gordon's top tips: Roast on the day if serving hot, or up to 2 days ahead if serving cold. Any leftover ham can be used in a variety of dishes (such as stirred into a pea and ham soup, tossed through a spaghetti carbonara or chopped into a hearty pie filling) and don't throw away the ham stock – it's great for soups, stews, risottos and sauces, so freeze it in convenient batches.

  2. @johnking5174
    @johnking5174 says:

    The big problem I have with Gordon is he approaches these dishes from a restaurant chef's point of view – he forgets people want to have a simple style to cooking their Christmas meals. He forgets most of us aren't expecting restaurant level food. Over complicated is the signature sometimes to Gordon. He is a great chef, but his talent suits the restaurant and not the average home

  3. @sandyb7678
    @sandyb7678 says:

    Off his website from the uk – for those who need the recipe.
    3kg unsmoked boneless gammon joint
    4 medium carrots, peeled & roughly chopped
    1 leek, cleaned & roughly chopped
    1 large onion peeled & roughly chopped
    1tsp black peppercorns, lightly crushed
    1tsp coriander seeds lightly crushed
    2 cinnamon sticks broken in half
    4 bay leaf
    Small handful of cloves to decorate at the end when roasting
    For the Honey Glaze
    100g Demerara sugar
    50ml Madeira wine
    25ml sherry vinegar
    125g runny honey
    For the Christmas Chutney
    1 onion
    Ginger 50g
    1 nutmeg
    Cinnamon 1 teaspoon
    Cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon
    Demerara sugar 100g
    White wine vinegar 200ml
    2 Williams’s pears
    2 apples
    Sultanas 100g
    A pinch of saffron
    2 oranges
    2 tomatoes


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