Chocolate Reduces Stomach Fat Caused by Stress (Eat More)

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39 replies
  1. Bertuz
    Bertuz says:

    I love my non Dutch Processed (light brown) chocolate powder. I noticed that i get a more relaxed feeling from consuming it daily. I make a coffee with a tsp of coconut oil plus a extra cup of hot water, and add 6 grams of cocoa powder to that plus 1/4 tsp ceylon cinamon. Blend it all together and you have a tasty morning drink. It's s full of minerals and anti oxidants. I tried the 85% chocolate in the past, but it always upset my stomach.

  2. Poor Trader
    Poor Trader says:

    wow how amazing he has a link for a chocolate company he gets a kick back from. almost like the videos are made on the pretext of getting the sponsor not looking out for our health.

  3. Lori Haas
    Lori Haas says:

    Thank You so much for doing this video. I love to eat 90 Percent Cocoa dark chocolate because it satisfies my sweetooth. The Sams Choice Dark Swiss Walmart brand only has 1 carb for 3 squares. Its not too bitter, and not too sweet.

  4. Bryan
    Bryan says:

    Why does chocolate make me feel fat right after I eat it then? I eat 90% dark chocolate organic Alter Eco bars. My metabolism just sucks these days. Must be cortisol. I need to go away to a health retreat, but I don't want to socialize with anyone. Ugh.

  5. George Vidal
    George Vidal says:

    Thomas what about people with chronic gastritis? mine is mild, but it is very hard for me to keep doing intermittent fasting ,coffee, chocolate an big amounts of fat.

    I used to do all you say with a lot of good results, but I slowly got sick specially with coffee while fasting, my doctor told me to stop an I didn't stop, and got very sick, I lost 40 pounds because my stomach wasnt working, I had to stop fat, even avocado, after months of medication and kefir i'm back at 95% but now can't skip a meal without mild pain.

    my doctor said my gastritis presented symptoms because the fasting mixed with the coffee. I would love to read your feed back.

  6. GenericHandle01
    GenericHandle01 says:

    I like to eat unsweetened bakers chocolate. good fats, minerals and whatever else kind of magic is in there. The fat gives it a sort of creamy mouth feel, and it has this pleasant bitterness to it. Also, even though it says it doesn't have salt it kind of tastes like it has some salt.

  7. Amor Pin
    Amor Pin says:

    Thanks alot for all these information i lost 17kg in 8months by watching your videos and implementing your advise doing intermittent fasting,lowcarb finally keto at the end.
    From 76kg i achieved my optimal weight 59kg.Even though its over i will still continue to watch your videos they are interesting and informative and to Maintain my weight.

    I appreciate your work keep it up.

  8. Calvin Tan
    Calvin Tan says:

    Again very helpful video. I wish there’s also a video comparing cacao vs cocoa. I have both, both unsweetened, but I just have no clue which one to use to make a hot chocolate or for baking a keto friendly chocolate cake. If anyone knows, pls do share that with me. Many thanks.

  9. Shaun Seale
    Shaun Seale says:

    Oh believe i eat it all the time the crazy thing is ive been eating so much 85 95 and 100 percent bars that i ate some 55% chocolate chips and they were a little too sweet for me i think im scared to try a Hershey bar now


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