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How do you make Tomato Egg at home? Follow Jasmine here:

42 replies
  1. Nicole Song
    Nicole Song says:

    I love that my first reaction was hey that’s not how grandma makes it!! You know, like how different everybody’s ‘authentic’ can be — like, that rice isn’t short grain rice that I grew up with, you vibe?

  2. Allen Han
    Allen Han says:

    I worked at a restaurant the trick to top off at the end is 5 table spoon of ketchup and table spoon of dark soy sauce. It gives ketchup adds sweetness and the soy cuts down the sugar and adds umami flavor to it. It will taste like a restraunt.

  3. Queendom
    Queendom says:

    in my culture we have something similar but we add onions and tomato finely chopped and then egg scrambled we usually eat it with bread though but ive tried to with rice and its so good

  4. Ruby Yatco
    Ruby Yatco says:

    We do that too, but we add red onions to it, we pour the scrambled egg, and put the chopped tomatoes, much smaller chops at the red onions, pepper and salt for seasoning, that's all


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