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how to make chicken fried rice at home, simple n delicious. 10 oz chicken, 2 cups cooked rice, 1 egg, 1/2cup mixed peas, carrot, …

10 replies
  1. Glen Baker
    Glen Baker says:

    Awesome recipe and method Chef. My son showed me a cheat for fried rice, he cooked the protein and veg in a pot then added rice, chicken powder, soy and oyster sauce and water. When it was done he fried it off in a wok. Was unexpectedly good and so very very fast. Ps, he added bean sprouts, onion, capsicum and snow peas at the end in the wok.

  2. Andy M
    Andy M says:

    Hello Chef Tom. I've been cooking Chinese foods at home for over 7 years and the fried rice was one of my first dishes I've made. I too, use dark soy sauce. Regular soy sauce makes the food taste too watery so I never use it at all in any of my menus. Thank you for sharing your recipe.

  3. J M Stouter
    J M Stouter says:

    The thing is…what you are doing is physically Showing someone how to cook this meal. No one can over estimate how valuable this type of teaching is. If it were easy, public schools would do it. If it were cheap, they would only charge twice for it and call it a bargain. But that’s not what they do. Instead, you, a total stranger, love your fellow man so truthfully, so much greater, than do those who’ve gotten rich from selling the idea to ppl that they care, and don’t. But I thank (insert ‘higher power’ here) that you (and others like you) DO. And I thank You for all that you do on behalf of these who’ve been left behind, to fend for themselves, and then laughed at because of having been sold a bill of goods from people who charged their parents inordinate sums, based on their promise that they would train them, and instead, these ‘people’ used the carnage they created for their own entertainment. And so even though the bill of goods they sold an entire nation was totally, well, that just happened to be quite worthless…it seemed to perhaps have actually had a purpose in the minds of the perpetrators, and I’m sorry for that, but there are those in the world who will make it a law, that children be separated from their parents for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, 9 months of the year, for 12 YEARS TOTAL. And yet they teach no one. So they must have another reason for doing it. But YOU cared enough, that you would all by yourself, all on your own, no taxpayers money and no one lauding you for having gone through (and paid for) a college education (to prove…?) but whether or not you have that education, you don’t ask anyone to bow down and grovel at your feet for having done so. I just appreciate you and want you to know that you are so far above those who do that $#;+,…they have no clue. You have value for what you are doing that can’t be measured. Thank You and God bless you and those who are helping you as well.


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