Cheating On Camp Knut (Don't Tell Him) Ft Sodapoppin | Nick & Malena

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Nick and Malena take Malena’s Sister and Sodapoppin to get some good BBQ food, and Nick cheats on his camp knut diet dont …

32 replies
  1. TannorHighRoller
    TannorHighRoller says:

    free health care is great and all until you need to see a specialist for your rare disease or illness lol, then you're out of luck, but you can always go see generic doctor #46 instead of an oncologist for the tumor on your toenail OMEGALUL. also the people who act like the government is forcing Mcdonalds down peoples throats are just psychotic morons who have never actual traveled abroad and seen things for themselves instead of blindly believing whatever the internet tells them. sure there are unhealthy people here, but there's also unhealthy people everywhere on the planet, people just like to hyper focus on the ones from the US because its an ongoing joke.

  2. germylicious
    germylicious says:

    when i first saw nicks stream he was playing diablo 3 and was baggin on the less fortunate lower class people. yet today this guy still doing it. i can honestly say this guy absolutely does not deserve what he has. he's not being "funny", he's the type of guy that legit thinks he's better than everyone. at least he admits that chance made him who he is i guess

  3. MrJcalvino
    MrJcalvino says:

    The opinion on food of 2 norwegians and 2 americans means nothing. EU food (Mediterranean honestly) is super tasty with an actual culture behind and healthier. They are simply wrong.

  4. edbabine
    edbabine says:

    If you compare Europe to America. America will loose for sure its a no brainer. You have Spain ,France, Germany, Italy, Portugal . Europe have a lot of countries and different type of Food. This is not even adding the immigrant that comes to these countries and had even more flavor.
    American looks like their base eating is fast Food with a lot of grease and over process food compare to other countries.

  5. Joe Mama
    Joe Mama says:

    I think they're mixing up difficulty with likelyness, something like streaming would probably be hard and unlikely since you need to have the patience to stick to streaming with little to no viewers whereas the lottery is easy but very unlikely since you just need to buy a ticket and wait. Something like a math problem is going to be hard but likely since it's based on your ability and nothing else


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