Cantonese Chicken Feet With Soy Sauce Recipe (One Pot Chinese Cooking)

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This is a delicious recipe for chicken feet. Easy and fast way to cook chicken feet. Use two kinds of soy sauce to make this Cantonese Chinese dish. This recipe …

19 replies
  1. Dan Seto
    Dan Seto says:

    Thanks very much for you compliment. The meal you had sounds like a great combination of foods. I agree, eating a great meal is part of the enjoyment of life. Thanks for checking out my video on chicken feet with soy sauce and thanks for your comment.

  2. Dan Seto
    Dan Seto says:

    I'm glad you made the chciken feet with soy sauce. The way you made it sounds so delicious. I'll ask my mom to do it your way and I'm looking forward to try it! Using just one soy sauce is great and it' really about what you have handy and whatever ingredients you want in your recipe. Thanks for telling me about your way to cook chicken feet. I look forward to trying it your way. Thanks for checking out my video and thanks for sharing your cooking experience.

  3. whatsup2day
    whatsup2day says:

    thanx for posting this recipe…it is awsome!..easy and delicious!..had this and stirfry peppers n onions with chicken and a couple zhongzi..tonight..absolutily stuffed and enjoying life…

  4. whatsup2day
    whatsup2day says:

    made this tonight..i gota say i was worried since ive never cooked them befor..ive had them about 5x at dif. places and once they were terrible…i gota say these were the best ones ive had so far..i did have to alter the recipe a hair for lack of ability to get the right ingredients…only standard soysouce..and 3 cups water. when finish cooking, empty all but 1/2 inch water and add corn starch (1-2 tblsp or to feel), let simmer till thickens..OH, SOOO, GOOOOOOOOD!!!

  5. Dan Seto
    Dan Seto says:

    Thanks for reminding me about the fermented black beans. My mom often tells the story when a Caucasian man asked her in a Chinese store about black beans. She showed him the regular beans and she couldn't figure why he wanted black beans to cook with chicken. Then she remembered it was the fermented black beans he wanted. She still laughs about this incident that happened decades ago. I'll be sure to mention your comments to her. Thanks for the reminder and thanks for viewing this video.

  6. winane
    winane says:

    Yumsssssssss Chicken Feet. I love "fung jao" dimsum. My favorite! Thank your mum for the recipe! FYI it is fermented black beans. Not regular dry black beans. I am so glad I found your channel!


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