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This is an absolutely amazing meal in a jar. Just add some toasted buns, and a bit of Cajun slaw on the side, and what a quick and easy meal to enjoy. I will post …

42 replies
  1. Pamela remme
    Pamela remme says:

    Mrs H Could you skip your intro in your video's? They are annoying. Sorry. I guess maybe it is just me but when I watch a video I want to watch the content and get to the point. New people can watch your intro video. Check out other vloggers. None of them have a music and intro start. They get right to the point. PLEASE don't get me wrong. I absolutely LOVE your channel and you are my go to girl. YOU are the FIRST I go to for anything canned. You explain everything better than anyone else. Peace and God Bless.

  2. Robin Butler
    Robin Butler says:

    I absolutely love love your videos, your my favorite, you are such a beautiful person to watch, I love your heart. May God Almighty Bless you and yours always and forever. Thank you so much for sharing all that you share, your time doing this is so so appreciated, for you and your precious husband, nice again, God Bless you both. Numbers 6:24-26

  3. The Way and The Walk
    The Way and The Walk says:

    Your eyes are fine! Thank you for your tutorial. I just bought my first water bath canner today, and am looking for the pressure canner. I managed to find pint jars today! And half pint jars. I laughed that my muscadine jelly cost 56$ today! Lol. The equipment sets you back initially but so worth it. My Mom canned all my young life and I so enjoyed shelling peas and butter beans, and creaming corn. However, her equipment burned in a house fire. Oh, what do you oil your rubber seal with?

  4. DG Baby
    DG Baby says:

    I’m afraid to can meat! How do you get over the fear of botulism? Or is there a way to tell? I have done the red beans hamburger and sausage. Just afraid to eat it…😂Love your family and homestead! ❤️ I’ve learned a lot., thank you!

  5. A J.
    A J. says:

    I've always liked using boneless skinless thighs because the texture is closer to pulled pork – but I hadn't thought about canning it. 😁 thanks for the awesome idea Mrs. H. God bless

  6. Kat White
    Kat White says:

    So glad to see I'm not the only one that makes bbq chicken in a crock pot 🙂 We make it all the time, never thought to can it. Thank you for always showing us new ideas

  7. Dana Hunt
    Dana Hunt says:

    I was checking my canned food and had 1 jar that was not sealed anymore. It was pinto beans that I canned 9/20/20. Can you please tell me if the jar is safe to use again or should it be thrown out also? I've been canning for 2 years now and this is the 1st I've had a jar that went bad. BOTULISM!!!!!!!

  8. Meanie Beavers
    Meanie Beavers says:

    Looks yummy! I found pint and a half jars ordered 4 cases but only got 2 cases. I still felt like I hit the jackpot. My first canning was chicken as I propped you on my counter and canned following your every word about a year and half ago. Now I have canned over 600 jars of goodness stuff.

  9. Aunty Paiche
    Aunty Paiche says:

    Ya'll say you can this. Your first time. You don't say how you store it…. Or if you had made it before and how long it keeps. Are we going to be able to eat it in 2 years? I kinda doubt it.

  10. Lisa Mcintosh
    Lisa Mcintosh says:

    Hi, I enjoy your channel but as I watched I was wondering why this wasn't debunked . I am fairly new to canning and am not always sure when to debubble and when it isn't necessary.
    Thanks for your recipe it does look yummy and I will be trying this.


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