Canning Fail Or Big Win With Linda's Pantry

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Here is a video to let you know how my canning session went. Here is a link to my Thrive Life website …

27 replies
  1. Carol Pearson
    Carol Pearson says:

    I had a jar of tomato sauce where the lid actually blew off in the canner. Only one jar, and I noticed it was hard to close. So, maybe gas of some kind? I mean, all the jars had the same ingredients and were made with the same stuff. (I just tossed out that jar and canned the others and they processed fine.

  2. Yoda63
    Yoda63 says:

    I’m guessing water from the canner leaked into the jars which caused the headspace change. Probably from the bands not being tightened enough or an uneven layer of sealing compound on the lids.

  3. Beverly Thorp
    Beverly Thorp says:

    I love watching your canning videos and you! You’re always full of vitality and excitement! Thank you for sharing your videos with us! I don’t always comment but I do watch! However, I missed your Bloody Mary Mix video. Where is the recipe for that please?

  4. Wild Nature Farm
    Wild Nature Farm says:

    Isn't Linda wonderful? I asked her if I could can peaches with skins on…cause hubby wanted me to. She answered me quickly! No, we can't. The hairs on the skins hold bacteria so they make the risk higher when canning…so peel them. Thanks to Linda, I'm Canadian and have no resources like her to ask, at least as far as I know. if you're Canadian and know any resources for us, please let me know.

  5. C Peterson
    C Peterson says:

    Hi Linda, I recently subscribed to your channel and I am glad I saw this video tonight, because just today, had a similar problem with my pint jars of water bathed peach-mango salsa not sealing. As I pondered the situation, I thought that I might have filled the jars beyond the 1/2” mark and maybe that was the problem. Eventually, it appears that all 7 pints sealed. I heard one good pop after a good maybe 15 minutes or so, but six jars sealed without popping. When I do the percussion test, I get the dense rather than hollow sound, and all of the bubbles in the lids are depressed. Like you, this is the first time this has ever happened to me. Do you think there could be a problem with the lid manufacturing? I am using Ball jars and lids. Will check the seals when my jars have sat for awhile.
    Thank you in advance for any advice or tips.

  6. Vesper
    Vesper says:

    Linda, I just pressure canned chicken in the atlas jars. I have had no fails, the head space is perfect. Should I be concerned? I actually have been canning in these jars for years.


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