Brookies: Cookie-Brownie Perfection | Samantha Seneviratne | NYT Cooking

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Why eat just a chocolate chip cookie when you could combine it with a brownie? Samantha Seneviratne is here to show us how.

27 replies
  1. Jake
    Jake says:

    Hey Chef

    I love food, so thank you very much!

    As someone trying to consider what’s truly missing in my life I meditated upon cheeseburgers and pizza, being the soul of most things, and upon the subject arises this idea that within every great kitchen – at some point – a gauntlet will be thrown down, and at such a time one must rise to the occasion to perform what will be the EVENT FOR THE AGES… This is just a tribute!

    1. Cheeseburger Ramen
    2. Pizza Ramen

    My Recipe:
    *CB Ramen
    Step1 – Make a cheeseburger, add noodles
    *Pizza Ramen
    Step 1 – Make a pizza, add noodles

    May your culinary skills thrive

  2. elisancon
    elisancon says:

    *Guaranteed crackly crust*: beat eggs with sugar until pale first, then slowly add melted butter to keep the emulsion. The key is to dissolve the sugar properly.
    It's been hit or miss because it can work by adding the sugar to very hot melted butter, and then vigorously mixed with the eggs. But I think eggs+sugar first is more manageable.
    That's my experience with my preferred brownie recipe, anyway… I'll try this one with my technique to see 🙂

  3. Byrdbrain
    Byrdbrain says:

    Q: Is the purpose of putting the sugar in with the melting butter over the heat to dissolve the sugar? Otherwise could you melt the butter and add it to sugar in a bowl, so that the mixture is not so hot?


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