Broiled chocolate chip cookies, v2.0

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38 replies
  1. CBGBstew
    CBGBstew says:

    Can’t wait to try this recipe. Could do without the talking-while-chewing commentary at the end of the video, though. Hate that sound and I’m sure I’m not alone on that one.

  2. Asakano
    Asakano says:

    Hey, employee in a commercial bakery here! (If a grocery store baker counts, that is)
    We do not use steam on our cookies at all, it makes them very flat and they should come with a trypophobia warning. I've had to discard a few batches because I've forgotten to turn off the steam after baking our breads ^^;

  3. QwertyPwned
    QwertyPwned says:

    I ended up using too much flour by using volumetric measurements, so I weighed 1.5 US cups of flour out of curiosity. I ended up with 350g which is way off the 230g. What gives?

  4. Michael Santer
    Michael Santer says:

    Hey Adam! It'd be nice if you made a video on how much garlic you really need to add to a dish for it to even matter/make a difference. Too often I see youtube recipes where people say "add 2 cloves of garlic" to a giant pot of food as if that was enough. Maybe the video could be about more than garlic, but also other ingredients that just have no impact on a dish unless you actually put in enough.

  5. oxoras
    oxoras says:

    It would be super cool if you made a video on Turkish Delight! I've only seen very basic flavours (lemon & or vanilla) and I was wondering if there was any reason for this?

  6. Mark Patterson
    Mark Patterson says:

    I enjoy & appreciate your videos. I tried this recipe (slight alterations) last night & they turned our REAL good. I used half granulated & half brown sugar…added a little molasses anyway (I LOVE molasses!). Also toasted (in the microwave….yes, nuts toast beautifully in the microwave a minute at a time until toasted & fragrant, believe it or not!) a SHITE LOAD of pecans, chopped them & added to the mix. I made smaller cookies. Eight minutes was a perfect bake time. Turned out DELICIOUS. Actually one of the best cookie recipes I've ever tested. Next time I'll try half powdered sugar (I didn't have enough in the cupboard last night) & half brown. I also didn't 'broil them first. Might try that next time too. Thank you for the recipe! Cheers

  7. spedtime
    spedtime says:

    So how do you not have a patreon? I have been a subscriber for a bit, but this video put me over the edge and I'd like to pay more for this content. I really enjoy the outside of the box thinking.

  8. goal2004
    goal2004 says:

    "Acid does inhibit browning" — uh.. Adam? What happened? Did you forget what that acid does? Isn't it there to interact with the base and foam up when heated, effectively neutralizing the acid?

  9. Quang Minh
    Quang Minh says:

    Hi Adams, I've been wondering if egg and garlic is a bad combination. I had them once when I was young and it made me sick. Ever since then my family would avoid such combination. Recently I've ran out of ingredients for dinner so I made some dish with egg and garlic, I was fine after consuming it but my parents didn't side with me. Now I'm not sure if I simply got food poisoning when I was little or egg and garlic is a bad combination.

  10. Pang
    Pang says:

    I've been watching your channel for a while now but this is the first recipe of yours I actually made. I'm a totally novice cook and wanted something nice I could make as a present. Even with my complete lack of skills and experience they came out really nice; rich and delicious without being sickeningly sweet, and crispy on the outside with a soft interior.

    I think I overbaked mine a bit, but they still came out fine. A tip I'll extend to others in my position is that the cookies will still be soft and springy on top when they are done but still hot, they firm up a bit as they cool. I know my oven is a bit weak and thought I had to wait until the cookies were solid on the outside before pulling them out, but by 14 minutes they were still soft on top and starting to get a little dark around the edges. Thinking my oven couldn't possibly be that bad and not wanting to burn them, I pulled them out and sure enough they firmed up fine. They are a bit crispier on the outside than ideal but still perfectly delicious.

    The other bit of advice I'll give is to make sure the mixture is completely smooth after adding the egg, before adding the rest of the dry ingredients. I used regular storebought brown sugar and it didn't dissolve fully, which made my dough a bit grainy and gritty. You can hardly tell in the finished cookies but still worth making sure its totally smooth I think. Taste it if you're not afraid of raw eggs. Using powdered sugar probably bypasses this problem.


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