BONUS VIDEO! Tik Tok Inspired Waffles-3 Ways/WFPBNO

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Bonus Video! I wanted to share with you these 3 waffles recipes that were inspired by Tik Tok. The are all WFPBNO and fun to try!

24 replies
  1. Kefir Heals
    Kefir Heals says:

    Waffles — Ha Ha funny. I think the Quesadilla would be my fave too. I have the Cuisinart 5-in-1 Griddle Maker, I'll use the grill plates and cook it like a panini. Reason – I don't want the innards squishing out.( I know – I'm lazy.) I don't want the extra clean-up. Looks like I'll be making the Quesadilla Waffle/Panini for breakfast tomorrow with a hot cup of coffee. Thanks!

  2. Sandra Carli
    Sandra Carli says:

    I usually make waffles with buckwheat flour and oats. They get very crispy and are great to eat with a cheese like the one by Plantyou with sunflower seeds. Other waffles I make are with pumpkin puree or sweet potatoes by Nini Girl.

  3. Beth
    Beth says:

    Love most any waffle.. My go-to waffle recipe is your low fat waffle made with rolled oats, it's so versatile. Thank you for this fun video!


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