BodyBuilder Reacts To TikTok Fat Acceptance KelsJounney Using Recovery As Excuse To Eat Unhealthy?

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BodyBuilder Reacts To TikTok Fat Acceptance KelsJounney Using Recovery As Excuse To Eat Unhealthy? Join my Membership …

34 replies
  1. Lisa take it or leave it
    Lisa take it or leave it says:

    Intuitive eating can only work if you don’t have disordered eating. I lost 135 pounds through diet and exercise nine years ago and have maintained it so I’ll think there’s a lot of having to have the ability to be completely honest with yourself that goes into losing weight making your health a priority and maintaining it. Re – cravings – FEELINGS ARENT FACTS. That also goes for whether you feel like doing your movement it not – it’s not what you FEEL it’s what you do 🎤

  2. Michaela Joseph
    Michaela Joseph says:

    You can’t compare her with Tammy. Tammy know how to cook and she can have healthy meals (though restricted) between her binges. Both make a lot of excuses. We’ll see results when they stop.

  3. Kendra Markworth
    Kendra Markworth says:

    These people claiming to be "recovering" from BED and still binging everyday on shit is exactly like an anorexic "recovering" but eating low calorie raw veggies and weighing themselves 5 times a day and counting every calorie. They aren't recovering. They are still very much in the throws of their disorder.

  4. Christie Smith
    Christie Smith says:

    A lot of people with BED tend to believe they're recovered but reality is they're just spreading their 'binge' out across the day now. I understand moderation needs to be learned, but daily isnt moderation 😢

  5. Christyn Lead
    Christyn Lead says:

    As someone who has done a lot of the different meal delivery kit services in the US- hello fresh, home chef, blue apron, and every plate. The pasta portion is pretty accurate. The pasta “meals” are always usually higher volume than potatoes or rice dishes. And it’s consistently hard to get a good portion for any of the “low carb” options.

  6. Glossy Hop
    Glossy Hop says:

    I LOVE Dr Pepper!!! I used to drink at least one or more a day. But I know how much sugar it has and I don’t like diet sodas so I quit drinking it altogether. I am in charge of ordering all the soft drinks for my company, and I see people getting sodas out of our free vending machine and I want one every single day but I don’t drink it!!

  7. Jarela
    Jarela says:

    If you ever come to the USA you can stay with us! Home gym, guest bed and private bath! I’m in the south so we do BBQ and Mexican food correctly!

  8. Jarela
    Jarela says:

    “Honoring” all your craving allows the behavior to perpetuate. An addiction or habit engaged in is one that perpetuates. Riding out cravings consistently allows the maladaptive behavior to extinguish.

    DJ SUSIE QU says:

    I’ve tried intuitive eating- just ended up binging on “healthy food” – it doesn’t work- what works for me is calorie counting – if I stop, I’ll be relaxed and gain weight

  10. Ellie Tenenbaum
    Ellie Tenenbaum says:

    This is addiction to junk food. It's a vicious cycle. Long-term nutrient deficiency makes you more hungry and causes depression which makes your seek comfort through food. I am wondering how many people who say they have BED actualyl are just totally malnourished.

  11. Ally
    Ally says:

    I struggle to understand how these people can afford that much take-out, desserts and milkshakes. I wonder if things would be different had they lived on a budget.

  12. Chris X
    Chris X says:

    How do you eat 200g of protein a day?!!! Probably your maintainance is above 2000kcal…
    I'm struggling to get over 100g…
    – For breakfast I eat oat porridge about 550ml (100g of oats, 100ml of milk, 1 egg, water)
    – For lunch I eat 600ml potato pure, 1 source of protein (mainly meat like a chicken breast or a steak), maybe some veggies…. alternatively 200g of legumes…
    – For dinner I eat semolina porrdige about 600ml (75g semolina, 200ml milk, 30g protein powder, water)
    – And later in the day I might eat 150-200g cottage cheese + some 250g of peas
    With those I get around 90-120 g of protein…


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