Better than Manwich Sloppy Joes ~ Easily Made in Skillet or Crockpot! Freezable!

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Better than Manwich Sloppy Joes ~ Easily Made in a Skillet or a Crockpot! This is SO delicious! Easy to make and it freezes very …

3 replies
  1. Debbie Mcclure
    Debbie Mcclure says:

    This looks absolutely amazing Hedi. But tbh I stopped buying manwich unless it's on sale and they're out of the store brand. I jus prefer store brand sloppy joe mix. I use to pour it in on my ground beef w/o onion or veggies of any kind but one day I decided to step it up a little and put veggies and onions in mine and boy, everyone including myself loved them. I've never tried makn the homemade but I believe next time I will. Homemade coleslaw on them too. Ima try this recipe. You knocked this one out of the park lol. Tyfs God bless you ps my mama always used a fork for hers and for hot dogs too🤣🤣

  2. viki thomasson
    viki thomasson says:

    Sounds delish! Just an idea- When my boys were young, I would make my Sloppy Joes then put it over store brand corn chips with shredded cheese and maybe chopped tomatoes. It was one of our favorite meals. It was an inexpensive twist to a classic meal and no side dishes required!


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