Beef Stew and Dumplings #instantpot #frugalfood #beefstew #applecrumble

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I go through on of my favourite recipes Beef Stew in an instant pot and also make an apple crumble. Frugal Queen in France Like …

46 replies
  1. Holly Jo Bitner
    Holly Jo Bitner says:

    I just made a small grass fed roast beef, carrots and parsnips from the garden, an onion chopped in quarters, and a sprinkle of dried garlic on top of the meat. We “nuked” a couple of potatoes. What a yummy dinner. It will be just as good tomorrow! 💙

  2. Alida Gualtieri
    Alida Gualtieri says:

    Thanks for another great video Jane and Mike! I add onions to my beef stew as well as a bay leaf. For the wine one trick I have is that I freeze any leftover wine or like you wine that I have that I am nor crazy about to use in beef stew. Just put it in frozen as it will quickly melt even if you cook beef stew in oven or slow cooker. I also use any beef stock if I have it to give it a even richer state as part of liquid. Everyone please remember to let the ads roll so that Jane and Mike get some $ to use to continue providing us with this great content!!!

  3. Kat V
    Kat V says:

    Delicious looking recipe. Green vegetables release a lot of water, so I add less water to a stew that I bulk up with extra veggies. To make the gravy thicker, I add in some pumpkin diced into small pieces – it essentially dissolves into the gravy. I love adding pumpkin to a vegetable curry

  4. vcneveroski
    vcneveroski says:

    One my favorite meals. Your recipe looks delicious. I'm really enjoying your channel. Does your instant pot saute function not have selectable levels? Mine is different than yours but I can select less, normal or more on mine. If I'm correct yours is the Instant Pot 6qt Duo Evo Plus. You should be able to select Custom, Low and High when you are in saute mode.

  5. Belinda Copson
    Belinda Copson says:

    Yum! I had not thought of dumplings though I like to make a beef cobbler or a suet-crust pie . Apple crumble looks delicious, a favourite for me too especially when we have so many apples this year.

  6. Happy Days
    Happy Days says:

    How timely, I have diced beef for this Sunday so am going to do your recipe as it looks really delicious. Have plum filling home made, so plum crumble for us (I’m gluten free too), roll on Sunday! Thank you Jane and Mike, great idea to bulk out with more veg on the beef stew 😊x

  7. shiva kat
    shiva kat says:

    My mom used to make dumplings and at times she switched to using cornmeal to make them. She would cook them in collard greens with either smoked ham hocks or fatback. Your meal looked fabulous.

  8. Eve Stewart
    Eve Stewart says:

    I agree with you, Jane, that the Insta-Pot doesn't sauté very well. Mine sautés on low or high, and the high sends oils popping everywhere. Sautéing is much more regulated on the stove top. I like the idea of adding the bacon bits. Thank you for your recipe.

  9. kathryn cookingham
    kathryn cookingham says:

    Have never made dumplings. Intend to try.
    Usually I make stew on my wood burning stove . I place it on a cake rack if stove is running too hot. It is stirred every 20 minutes or so.
    Rarely use my pressure cooker because I have to watch it constantly. Apple crumble sounds like a lot less work than apple pie😊
    Thanks for the ideas.

  10. Witson's Mom
    Witson's Mom says:

    Instead of potato on the side to stretch it, rice, polenta, or noodles would work too. Your meal looks wonderful. Do you cook a lot with lard? Vegetable shortening has really gone up in price, along with butter for baking. Is lard used the same for baking? I've never used lard so have no experience with it.

  11. Les Reid
    Les Reid says:

    This stew looks yummy. Thank you Jane and Mike. It's been years since we've had dumplings with stew and I'm going to make this. Stew and dumplings and mince and dumplings were childhood favourites and perfect cold weather food.

    We recently built a hayless Haybox for cooking, copying a box from a Youtuber called Cairn Of Dunn Permaculture and made our first Scotch Broth in the haybox today. It's a great way to cook economically. A large pot of soup and ham hough cooked perfectly. I brought the pot to the boil on the hob, then straight into the haybox.

  12. Kso Plans
    Kso Plans says:

    This was great thanks. I decided organise my freezer this weekend and I’m going to cook up two small portions of roast beef and put satay sauce over one and turn the other into a Japanese curry. I’ve gotten behind on having mini freezer meals on hand (oops). The dumplings look delicious, I’ll need to try that!

  13. Julia Seaman
    Julia Seaman says:

    I made a beef stew in my slow cooker yesterday using a recipe from the Slow Cook book by Heather Whitney
    It included the very unexpected ingredient of anchovies and this enhanced the flavour of the beef amazingly
    Don't know if anyone else has heard of this strange combination
    Thank you Jane for your video


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