Beef Bourguignon – The Most Comforting Classic French Stew

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Today we’re making Beef Bourguignon (beef burgundy). This is a great dish to enjoy all fall and winter long. WATCH OUR …

21 replies
  1. Sip and Feast
    Sip and Feast says:

    If you can make this one day ahead the flavor will be even better. Also, the fat will rise to the top and you can remove it before reheating. As always, the ingredients and print recipe are linked in the description. Thanks for watching and sharing our videos.

  2. Stephane Vicente
    Stephane Vicente says:

    Quand vous farinez de la viande avant de là saisir ce ne sont pas des sucs de viande qui sont accrochés au fond de la casserole mais de la farine brûlée, ce qui donne un mauvais goût au plat final.

  3. temudjin1155
    temudjin1155 says:

    I watch your videos with great interest. I'm French 🙂 Looks very nice and tasty. Boeuf bourguignon is my favorite dish. I asked my mother to teach me French cooking when I was a teenager. At home we used to cook it with the cheek of the beef. I've tried with other parts of the beef, but to be honest, nothing compares to the cheeks. Cooked for 4 hours. I add potatoes too. But you can also serve it with pasta, like tagliatelle.
    And I pour the entire bottle of wine

    Great job 🙂

  4. Daniele Jaques
    Daniele Jaques says:

    If my husband hadn’t already married me a decade ago, he definitely would have married me after this dish! We couldn’t get enough of it. (Changes: I did a ratio of 4 parts beef broth to 2 parts Willamette Valley, Oregon Pinot Grigio, and served it over gnocchi.)

  5. Guillaume LeDique
    Guillaume LeDique says:

    One of my favorite dishes is a stew, I use vermouth instead of wine though, and I don't put the pan into an oven… which brings me to my question: why do you broil the pan in an oven for 2 1/2 hours? Would heating it on a stove not create the same effect?
    Love the videos by the way!


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